RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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you want get fast paid ? lol
moves other filehost bro , u can get fast paid daily or etc but ur file fast gone and quality is suck hahahaha
RV is the best service now , all of u just want money and complain blablabla but didn't support RV ?? so funny
I'm using RV for long time they always paid even though late .

*grab popcorn*:laughing::laughing:
Mr. Bodats is right.

RapidVideo is by far the best hosting service out there. It does offer amazing features, UI is semple, stream is fast, everything clean and nice. You need to keep in mind that RV staff are doing hard job, and they, for sure, are looking for the BEST options for their customers. They've already got reputation, so why would they now "SCAM" peoples, or do staff that would ruin their service, there is no logic.

Sometimes I'm annoyed because of some rate drop, upload errors and low upload speed, but, well, that's happening. I'm sure RapidVideo will fix it as soon as possible.

About payouts, even do you can wait up to 30 days for payout (like was in my case - I've never complained), you'll get your money, there's no doubt, but, you need to understand that RV is service that is going for stability and quality. Earning are just BONUS as thanks to those that're using RV.


P.S. @RapidVideo I really do hope so that you will fix errors that occur when we finish uploading of file(s). <3
P.SS. Don't forget to add option "to block certain domains from embedding your videos."
P.SSS. Best of all to @RapidVideo in future! Do whatever you think that it's right, and please, keep in mind that even do you're having peoples those're sometimes disappointed or who're attacking you, you're also having peoples that like and respect your service! (Just do your best not to close RV any time soon!)

Best and King Regards!
I think I've deleted more than 500 videos when I wanted to delete the DMCA folder
How can I take these back and how should I do the things you said
Can you bring back the videos I accidentally deleted?

Also if videos do not get removed and if I can be given a special upload server I can get you views between 100.000-300.000.

It would be great if you could improve the income as well.
ok im in let see how its going,but i dont undertand 1 thing you have the lowest rates on the internet but you have the higher payout :(,maybe 20 or 30$ will be ok,the rates are fine but too high minimum payout
Wow, I'm glad that I did not take the offer that Rapidvideo sent to me, proposing re-cooperation, claiming that he got a lesson and it will not happen again. Well, it just did. Instinct did not let me down, you can not trust this guy. He has an excuse for every occasion, he even changed the payout rules to "I pay when I want".
Good advice for you all, if you care about a stable affiliation program with timing payments - this host is not for you.
You will not earn much because he will not let you. He earns on your views, giving you pennies, which he don't want to pay you anyway.
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