RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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I asked the payout on 18.10.2017 but I inserted a wrong bitcoin address and now the status of payment is "On Hold".
Could you fix the problem, please?
The id request is 1385
We will ask if revunue by TIER will still at the same RATIO.

We have also Charges to pay and we need the value to keep working like others.

Please give us stable ratio or just inform us that will not be a change on ratio that we can move on.

In about 1-2 weeks, we just finished implementing our CDN system and it works good for all users, all users get good video speeds. This is for all users, all old files is still getting mirrored and every new upload is automatic on CDN too.

We need to implement storage usage space counting and traffic counting to give you better idea what you really use. So you can buy permament storage and traffic if necessary.

Stay tuned and we will let you know if its ready to use Hotlink Service.

will the permanent storage be ready anytime soon ? files here are getting deleted due to inactive with no views, and other host are offering free premium account with files not being deleted. last quote was during august, hope to see it soon, when more users have their files deleted due to 1-2 views or no views per month, they will be requesting for premium account also or buying storage.
sir, we are storing the files at least for 180 days and if its deleted in meantime, it is DMCA or by user action mostly.

and yes, we are offering pro accounts soon, as we integrate our payment processors, we are finishing the missing features that was needed for that, we dont want to release uncomplete & untesting software yet.
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