RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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Please cancel my payment request.
I forgot to enter my paypal address.
user name: iigor
Ok i see its declined but why its not returned to my account balance?
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In past weeks till now, we was very busy and had very important tasks to done.

Now that everything is fine and thanks to new technology, the 720p and 1080p encodings is very blazing fast now! And that at higher quality settings with small filesizes too.

In next weeks, we are improving something, so the vistors will enjoy better streaming speed and better video starting.

So we are now open to any new support questions.

Please note also, that we upgraded the quality settings in RapidVideo.com to 360p/720p files.
In past weeks till now, we was very busy and had very important tasks to done.

Now that everything is fine and thanks to new technology, the 720p and 1080p encodings is very blazing fast now! And that at higher quality settings with small filesizes too.

In next weeks, we are improving something, so the vistors will enjoy better streaming speed and better video starting.

So we are now open to any new support questions.

Please note also, that we upgraded the quality settings in RapidVideo.com to 360p/720p files.

Thanks for that mate, but when you guys put some collor on subtitle? For me is very important that. Continue the great job guys :)

Yes... we are working on this... And also subtitles from URL... Both is possible. Thats are we currently at it.


We check it, please wait a bit.

Edit: In Raptu.com, we just removed one extra popup at 0% Earning setting, we now show only 1 popup per view, that makes us a great alternative to Google Drive now.
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hello some time i feel you are my rapid :)
Like a rapidgator ;)
Well wish u best luck for your company :)
enjoy and happy earning :)
If u need me u can talk for busines :)
when subtitles ? [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]<iframe src="linkvideo" name="subs:https://vimeosrtplayer.googlecode.com/svn-history/r5/VimeoSrtPlayer/bin/srt/example.srt"></iframe>

and api like this https://openload.co/api ???

check this
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Hi rapidvideo, recently the videos are not getting the status online, it converts to only one resolution and even then it takes more time to start and finish. :smokin:
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