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And? There will be always users who do fraud traffic, we can detect it. Whats your problem then?

Our Scriptsystem is over 12 years old and I have the experience in coding as well too to maintain the service quality high as always.

When the users is flooding us with low quality fraud traffic, it will simply cost us more.
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And? There will be always users who do fraud traffic, we can detect it. Whats your problem then?

Our Scriptsystem is over 12 years old and I have the expericere in coding as well too to maintain the service quality high as always.

When the users is flooding us with low quality fraud traffic, it will simply cost us more.

My traffic is real. I can give you : http://www.histats.com/viewstats/?sid=3198766&act=18 or google analytics
We are in process moving into new company and moving our servers to new enterprise hosting provider, to ensure better services in the future, thats why the payouts are delayed.

Please explain why my payout of $112.67 got rejected but upon checking my balance is just $ 23.81? Where did the other $90 go?

I have been a member of numerous filesharing sites and have always played fairly...

Username: budsiek79

Please explain why my payout of $112.67 got rejected but upon checking my balance is just $ 23.81? Where did the other $90 go?

I have been a member of numerous filesharing sites and have always played fairly...

Username: budsiek79

Why dont you ask the support by email and provide the new payment details. It might be the reason that you scammed the host by removing our ads.
Why dont you ask the support by email and provide the new payment details. It might be the reason that you scammed the host by removing our ads.

I did send out messages thru your contact portal and no one answered me... I cannot click payout and send new payment details because I am below minimum payout ... what do you mean when you said "you scammed the host by removing our ads"? ... Could you explain that further?

I have always done the same thing with other hosts ... upload videos and then share them thru my sites... when BP stopped paying, I stopped sharing videos from them until I am sure that they would still pay...
PN sent.

When we detect suspicious activity such as faking referrals, fake bot traffic or etc, we have the right to suspend the payments until further notice and resolve it.

By the way, the register is closed now and anyone wants get in, need an invite from one user or from us.
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