RapidShare - New Sharing Limits

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Today RapidShare announced a revamped version of its cloud based storage service. At the core of the new strategy is a revised traffic management model, which imposes a daily outbound traffic limit from RapidShare accounts. The limit on this public traffic generated by a single account will be 1 GB/day for free users and 30 GB/day for RapidPro users. Public traffic is traffic generated through download links that have been made publicly available online.
Traffic generated by files in a shared folder accessible by only selected contacts and not by the public remains unlimited. This means, you can upload and download any files of any size on your own account or share files with a group of people from your contact list by using shared folders without any limitation.
The download limit for free users has already ended. The new model will come into full effect on November 27th and will cause no change to the current monthly rate for a RapidPro account.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Staff via support@rapidshare.com!

Free users - 1gb/day
RapidPro - 30gb/day
Well, RS has to do something to survive in the market.
So, Blocking extra servers usage is a good move to save money. It's kinda like the Old Limited bandwidth Pro plans. :S
Dont care. I think it's fair.
I'm happy I can download my own files without limits.
30GB is plenty if you're not a server.
1GB for free users does seem a bit low considering they can't download ANY 720p rips or 2CD rips.
I guess you can download your own files as many times as you want. Only sharing with others will be limited by this bandwidth limit.
I dont think RS lovers using Rapid Pro for Downloads,as user friendly downloads comes in free for downloaders,only few ppl have Pro.
After MF Period,now Free users hv to leave RS too :)
I guess we have to go back to using VPNs or switching IPs.

Might be good for other hosts. Maybe more people choose my Rapidgator links instead of the Rapidshare ones.
1 gig for free user is way to low means you only getting one movie a day if its only 700 meg or so if its 1.4 gig then your stuffed

this sounds like a bad idea never used rs any way so i dont care
Dont care. I think it's fair.
I'm happy I can download my own files without limits.
30GB is plenty if you're not a server.
1GB for free users does seem a bit low considering they can't download ANY 720p rips or 2CD rips.

Well, RS has to do something to survive in the market.
So, Blocking extra servers usage is a good move to save money. It's kinda like the Old Limited bandwidth Pro plans. :S

Well, RS has to do something to survive in the market.
So, Blocking extra servers usage is a good move to save money. It's kinda like the Old Limited bandwidth Pro plans. :S

lol , they want to save money :p

Since the lot of you don't seem to understand, allow me to explain.

What this new change means if you're a free user and you upload, say, an image file (a meme, for example) of 100KB, your account has a 1GB daily limit.

This file, if shared publicly, can now be downloaded 10,485 times. After that, none of the files you uploaded can be downloaded by any member of the public; free, premium, or anonymous. Essentially, your account is on 'hold' for the remaining day until your bandwidth resets the next day.

Changing your IP address is useless, as this limit applies to your ACCOUNT. You're not limited in download traffic, your files are limited on the traffic they generate. You can still download other public files, assuming the account that uploaded said file(s) haven't reached their own bandwidth quotas, etc.

This does not apply to the files you share with specific contacts, so if you're looking to share illegal content, lol, you'll need to add your downloaders as contacts to bypass this new rule.

Still feel like being an RS fanboy? I don't think so.

I personally think this change is going to drive away pirates, yes. But this change is going to cause them a lot more headache than they're signing up for. I can, as of right now, think of hundreds of uses for a free account and legitimate file sharing that this will drive away. People collaborating and delivering their open source projects, for example, via Rapidshare will see their 1GB of file bandwidth running out pretty fast if they're free accounts. 30GB isn't all that grand either for a Rapidpro. But I can understand why Rapidshare would implement this measure.

In any case, it'll be interesting to see how this new change plays out with Rapidshare.
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