Rapidshare change their policy

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invite is hardly the same as from a download link

and last I heard buying a premy at RS Gaines you only storage space now
not access to any one else's files
good luck getting anyone to buy that
I don't understand anything at all any more :heiligenschein:

2 days ago I got a warning to delete my files in 24 hours

Yesterday I got the same warning to delete my files in 24 hours

And Now?

Your storage space limit is exceeded! Purchase additional storage or reduce the storage space to below the limit within the next 31 hours to avoid the automatic deletion of your files.

Who's getting confused now :-=

I already said GoodBye RapidDead :wave:
But Rapid must have lost a lot of paying members already, who asked for refunds :O)

Sorry for all other paid hosts, I've lost already so much money, that I never use a paid host anymore, and go back to torrents :sun: and Free hosts like http://hugefiles.net/ and http://180upload.com/ with great download speeds :-=

And Thanks to the FBI and the Entertainment Lobby :fly:
yea they need to either give up or straiten up
the bulk of the clients would be either up-loaders or down-loaders
now neither have any interest in them

wtf this is ??? They say, find idiots to signup with rapidshit for premium and earn 5 euro for each idiot.
I think they saw they will die in few months and try to recover themselves
I have like 45TB of data - don't know what's going to happen that. Damn.
yea I have 47TB
sooner or later they will delete it
im not giving them anymore $
not that I have that what $5000 they asked for
get real if I had that much to invest in storage id just buy an OVH mega system (36TB for 2000EU setup and 300EU a month after)
who would ever pay them 5K a month
not gona hapen


wtf this is ??? They say, find idiots to signup with rapidshit for premium and earn 5 euro for each idiot.
I think they saw they will die in few months and try to recover themselves
yea they are dying and they know it
they have been sticking it to uploaders for years
same old story we made them rich now they want to claim they did nothing wrong
My files are still on their servers and not deleted, i think they chickened out because of the backslash they got, it still warns me about my storage being exceeded though. So i probably cant upload any new files but my old files seem to be all there... Do you guys with tons of TB's experience the same situation?
I just loaded my RS manager (first time since they said they where going to delete everything)
I got no warnings but at the bottom where it shows how much of the 250GB you have used min is showing iv used 47.45TB
and it's red hehehe

I think they are reluctant to delete our files cause long as we have a massive amount of files to loose there is a chance we will pay them
a bloody small chance but I think they are holding on to that hope
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