New Update From Rapidgator
Unfortunately our data servers will be offline in next 5 hours. During that time all download and upload services will be unavailable. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Scam. Close this topic better
The mistake they did and that most of the host file is to focus on "Paypal", here are the consequences.
Where are 'the consequences'? I dont see them.... PayPal has limited many filehost accounts.
Its funny how people cry because they want better upload and download speed, but when they install it and take down the site for a while, those same people walk away and call it a scam:facepalm:
If the company was focusing on RapidGator AlertPay and WebMoney and not excusivement of PP, there would be no problem for payment or so-called "scam", I think more funds part of the servers with Paypal.
Why are people like you even allowed here?
People come here to claim money wich they wouldnt have had without RapidGator in the first place. How can they scam u if u didnt pay any money to them? Because u invest time in it ? Thats ur choice and has nothing to do with filehosts. I feel bad for poeple who bought premium accounts on Filesonic/Wupload and really got scammed, but i dont feel bad for myself and all the other uploaders
Where are 'the consequences'? I dont see them.... PayPal has limited many filehost accounts.
Its funny how people cry because they want better upload and download speed, but when they install it and take down the site for a while, those same people walk away and call it a scam:facepalm:
when you add alertpay