RapidGator.net - monetizing your content from A to Z!

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2012-02-08 03:42:52
Hi RapidGator,
Today when I try to remote upload I get "File I/O error" for most of my files. It looks like the system is trying to download, but never finishes.
Can you help me?

2012-02-08 10:32:48
currently its very high filetransfer. We are working on solving all the issues that You and other affiliates described.
Thanks for Your patience.

Remote upload works
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Yes, can you wrong FTP address on this ftp2.rapidgator.net sure does not work!

Status: Resolving address of ftp2.rapidgator.net
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 425 Sorry, invalid address given
Error: Could not connect to server
ftp upload work good for me since 4 days ago or more.
the big problmes are free and premium download speed and the dailey dl limit for free usres . hope they fix it soon
Send them a ticket, they will change it if u show some proof.
They changed my plan 10 minutes after request, that means u better of sending a ticket then replying here.
Yes free user tell me they have alot of problems when downloading my files.

When i tried the speed was horrible. It took 4 hours to complete a 50MB File.
I think thats why download count is low sometimes because people dont finish their download. Thats probably because they gained many members and i can understand that causes problems.I use RapidGator for PPS, if u want PPD i think its better to use another host until they managed to fix their problems.
People, some news, mostly good ones:

- We're increasing staff to respond faster and to work better.
- We've upgraded hardware and bandwith, more hardware is coming on 14-15 Feb.
- All features you've asked before is now under development.
- Alertpay and other payment systems are going to be ready soon (we need to update software to make it work).
- System load balance 90% done.

And some bad news:
- We have enough firepower to handle the traffic now, but we leak one special network device, it had to be delivered today, but courier didn't arrive, so we're waiting for it to get to us soon. Until it won't arrive, hardware and bandwith can't work on full power.


I have one ask to people who is often on WJ, like revoi or jinimran and others, guys, please tell people my answers on frequently asked questions. This will help me to handle all the information i receive every day on WJ and other boards. In such way i will be able to respond to a more valueble questions. Thanks in advance!
What about download speeds for free users?! The speeds are so low that they often refrain from downloading and choose links to other filehosts.
Nobody wants to wait 4 hours to download a 100MB file!
People, some news, mostly good ones:

- We're increasing staff to respond faster and to work better.
- We've upgraded hardware and bandwith, more hardware is coming on 14-15 Feb.
- All features you've asked before is now under development.
- Alertpay and other payment systems are going to be ready soon (we need to update software to make it work).
- System load balance 90% done.

And some bad news:
- We have enough firepower to handle the traffic now, but we leak one special network device, it had to be delivered today, but courier didn't arrive, so we're waiting for it to get to us soon. Until it won't arrive, hardware and bandwith can't work on full power.


I have one ask to people who is often on WJ, like revoi or jinimran and others, guys, please tell people my answers on frequently asked questions. This will help me to handle all the information i receive every day on WJ and other boards. In such way i will be able to respond to a more valueble questions. Thanks in advance!

I am glad to hear that...especially about the AlertPay :D
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