You can setup it by yourself. Size for free dl's is from 400 to 1024 Megabytes.what is download size for free user?
You can setup it by yourself. Size for free dl's is from 400 to 1024 Megabytes.what is download size for free user?
the thing i never understood with this host is why i have to earn $10 then go PPS they suppose to be happy i want PPS and don't want money from the downloads that generates no money for them don't really get it people
A noob question, what are the rebills?
@Arny89 @sICLEr
When a premium user who bought premium through your link decides to continue the premium status for the next month too and pays 10$ again in order to do so, you get 50% of it.
i am thinking of working with rapidgator on PPS...already made an account and sent them screenshot of my previous earnings on another filehost...i just have a question for someone here who works on PPS....are your sales influenced by the fact they are not working with paypal as a payment method? because i am a bit worried about that....and generally....are they paying in time? thank you in advance