Rapidgator.net 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

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shit speeds .no sales but when u r on pps ur download counts r just double and when on ppd u get lots and lots of sales . I guess they add some sales to temp u to to go on pps so tat what ever u r earning via ppd u cant earn tat too . Good ploy :)
I have found a man who is the LARGEST supporter of SOPA I have ever seen.

He's taken it into his OWN HANDS to destroy free speech and freedom of information online by trying to shut down every file hosting website he can find, while bullshitting reasons so he seems righteous to anyone he shows his campaign to.

He runs:

He basically finds any file hosting website, mostly with affiliate programs, and then searches HARD to find a copyrighted or pornographic file. HIs feeble mind fails to understand that when you have millions of files, you can't go through them all and delete bad ones, which even the current US legislation understands.

He then calls payment processors, PayPal, and government agencies to get these sites shut down.

He is everything that we HATE about SOPA, in a person. The personification of SOPA.

His name is Robert King. He owns coldcopy.com.au, adtract.com, meetprofiles.com, 10chan.net, melb.org, fastwebinsiders.com, www.SiteAds.com.au, http://adultinsiders.com/, and many more. You can find more about his "professional career" by searching his posts on DP Forum - username "litesearch".

It's super ironic he's doing this, because if you look at his "businesses", most have to do with spreading porn, financing porn, and one even shows a bunch of teen porn.

You can find his personal information using WHOIS obviously, and use it to contact him and tell him why his campaign hurts the freedom of information, free speech, and makes him look like an idiot.

His email is not for publication. Email him and show him the error of his ways. If his stupid campaign gains any traction it can do huge harm to freedom of information, give governments inspiration and support to more strongly pursue bills like SOPA, and go against everything we stand for.

Share this, post it somewhere, share it again, then post it again. This is a way to fight back. It will be an example of how we will not tolerate totalitarian and draconian rule and legislation. This is a free internet.
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i have posted rapidshare and rapidgator link in my post..4K+ download from rapidshare and 0 dl from rapidgator :facepalm:

isn't weird?
files probably located on corrupted servers. For example, file that goes to server PR15 likes to disappear.. it happened to me few weeks ago, when all my files arrived to PR15 and gone in a day. PR15 is a big black hole, dont upload there :)
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is there any other way to know which server we upload? like look with inspect element or else without test with download the file, coz it takes time if we have to check the files via download ( we talk about people who used Rapidleech not use RDP coz RDP can use webuplaod so it will be easy to recognise which server they upload) thanks
@ divinee : on my end, with remote upload from a VPS, the only way to know which server gets the file is to open the public link, as premium member, and hover the mouse pointer over the name of the Zip, you'll see pr15, pr18, pr25, etc., in the URL.
Wish there was a simpler manner.

And when your file's on a zero-count server, reuploading the same file doesn't work, it goes to the same server (makes sense, why keep duplicates), you'll need to change something inside your file to change the MD5sum.
first u have to delete the file, then reuploading goes to a different server. at least for me it works fine. but i work with rare stuff, i dont know what happens if file already exists and uploaded by another user. Maybe then u have to use the trick, that reneefr said.
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