PR15 and PR27
Check if your files are available.
File not found
some of my files are gone not even post yet, under the Deleted files statistics the reason given - File not found
does it happen to you. hope it is a small glitch.
Yes same problem here, legal files, not shared.
File not found again.
files uploads keep disappearing, list in deleted files today - file not found
Everything works fine for me but:
Fix vanishing files problem! It is really annoying. I know that You have a lot of work, but fix this thing.
Fix the file corrupted issue.
"File not found"
Fix the file corrupted issue.
"File not found"
"File not Found", Why does that happen, just tell us why so that if you can't maybe we can figure some solution out.
sorting files in FM seems to be fixed now.
as for "file not found" error wait for official reply here by NewRG.
It can't be done everything first 2 days after serious downtime but hope to solve this soon.
This problem is like cancerous cells, pls fix it for good
File not found is annoying, posted several updates, just to notice that all of them have dead link.
Exactly, please fix "File not found" problem!
"File not found" is really pain in the ass. Will it ever be fixed? It's not DMCA, because it's impossible.
my file not even stay more than 1 day!!!!damn to fast got deleted even i change the name,MD5,Rar,Splitting arghhhhhh
The “File not found” problem happened again, 2 of my files went missing without any reason. I notice that this problem always happens to newly-uploaded with less than 24 hours files. Since this problem has continuously affected many partners as well, I implore RG team to look into this matter seriously and fix this bug ASAP. Nobody wants to constantly re-upload the missing files.
All my FTP uploads show "File not found" after few min of being uploaded, web upload works but it's slow and fails a lot.
all true..........let's hope that they identified what causes the prob. and manage/plan to fix it soon.
Uploading from rapidleech doesn't work and since I have switched to FTP upload, my files are disappearing with the "File Not Found" error!
Lol, I just checked 4 links
polish server - status: online - rg plugin out of date
uk server - status: online
fr and nl server - status - offline - file not found
Last files deleted with "File not found" please fix
Yes, 90% of my recent uploads were "File not found".
Look rapidgator if u don't provide support to your users then why have u made this thread and perhaps the moderator should close the thread then.... be friendly and helpful everyone will love u... soo much file not found no one will like....
File not found in files deleted...may I ask why?
prob1. File not found.................
prob2. all files are not counted...
prob3. stat freezes too often....
3 MAJOR PROBLEMS.......................
Dude fix the file not found.. its a big error..
DOWN TIME, NO REPLY FROM SUPPORT, FILE NOT FOUND, STATS FROZE, ETC... I QUIT... THERE ARE FAR BETTER HOST, even if they have problems they admit it and with very good support... BYE BYE
Deleted files statistics
Deleted Reason: File not found.
New Rapidgator, What's "File not found."??
If You love RG then You have a poor life (just kiddin
History teaches that no hosting lasts forever (but rs
Yes file downloads dropped a lot, some files are impossible to download from some countries, file not found error still eating our files, I got no sales for yesterday (and thats really weird).
The more files I upload, the worse stats I got
so much "File not found" Today...
Because the administration does not support?
So many questions "file not found" , "statistics bad"
and nobody says anything?
Lack of consideration ...
not again file not found 32 old files deleted
STOP the "file not found"..WTH
It seems that You fixed problem with unavailable files in some countries, thank You.
However, 'file not found' problem still exists.
"File not found" still no fix!!
Today file uploaded and today file deleted, again.
Deleted Reason is "File not found" ?!
New Rapidgator, Please tell me. What is the "File not found" ??
I tried to download 100 of my files. Got "file not found" error in 18 times, and all those 18 files were on server PR15.
is PR15 server offline or crashed? will PR15 ever come back?
I have bad statistics from 2012-06-08
I have the same problem with files File not found
have 0 Downloads pr27
It would be great if everyone pasted the screens of the list of files which were deleted due to "File Not Found"
I also have ~50 files of delete reason "File not found" since 5 days.
What happened?
Are some HDDs or servers crashed?
Very bad support , why rapidgator ignore uploaders .
Too many problems ( file not found + count statistic ) EPIC FAIL
what is the "File not found" means ?
"File not found" work good today.
"File not found" WORK SO HARD TODAY.
It'll be a HUGE shame if he still doesn't responds.@n4rut0 FANTASTIC POST - CONGRATULATIONS :D