Rapidgator Discussion thread

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha :dan::-=:sohot:
Do you really think that we are believe in this sheet ??????
On ALFASCAM no sales all this month!
it could happen if you have your own top seo site with at least 10K random/new unique visits evey day ... you have to be really lucky though to get such stats

111 is actually the old steven who always shown impressive stats
Probably too much debrid downloads.

Think you may be right. Because last month I was fishing around on the web looking to sign up at a debrib site and Rapidgator was a unlimited host on every one I looked at, that's gotta be hurting the guys using them, it's worth baring in mind anyways. I'm looking for a pps host to use myself, and I would probably avoid the Gator for those reasons.

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