I have a question, what will you do when your space will be full ? There is no more space upgrade option after this 10 TB , you will delete your old files ?alfafile only 3tb space ? you can only get more if you buy ? ... do they give free premium or anything ?
i've contacted them asking for free premium with no answer yet
rapidgator sales are still fine / but rebills are markedly decreased .... ironically my storage is running out of the 10TB limit & i've contacted them about it around 10 times so far with no response ... which makes me sure now that they don't even care for their future bussiness & won't last for long ... i find that disrespectiful & i'll not continue with them if they don't extend my storage in either sides (rapidgator/alfafile)
hey anton, why dont u simply create an other rg account?
3 reasons actually
1- That means that i'll have to pay for 2 premium accounts just to keep files & storage
2- The 10$ PPD rule is still active ... that would be a waste of too much sales before being able to switch to PPS
3- As said above i don't believe they will last long enough for me to start with them in a new account
I have a question, what will you do when your space will be full ? There is no more space upgrade option after this 10 TB , you will delete your old files ?
RG support is shit they never reply.
Contact with RG support and ask about second account. They will allow you to open it and they will put on in PPS program.
Also contact with RG support about free premium account. They will give you it plus some extra space on both accounts.
bandwidth is reducing when uploading rg files to alfafile via remote upload
Try to check from your side..bandwidth is reducing when uploading rg files to alfafile via remote upload
this is not good!
bandwidth is reducing when uploading rg files to alfafile via remote upload
Of course, bandwidth costs, no gratis.bandwidth is reducing when uploading rg files to alfafile via remote upload
small help in alfafile
where i can change plan from pps to ppd