paypal payments usually late a little more than wmz.wanna know bout paypal not wmz
Payment for Week 32 is showing on RG as paid, but I still don't have it received in my PayPal account. Is anyone else currently experiencing this ?
mee too...
me too too
Paypal no received money.
The same here, on RG is showing paid, but no money on my paypal account
david_villa07,Its Seems Like True. If you Advise any good forum where can i get sales. That would be great for me, Thank youI think the real problem is with warez-bb .... Active members are decreasing everyday and only those who have premium accounts are using warezbb now ... Other reason would be that you are using multiple hosts including free ones which decreases the chance of getting new sales
RG only good for premium, they don't want free userAnybody can help me? RG dont allow download files as guest and in regular method . its normal? now all downloader must buy permium account? or just for me?
where the other premium plans ?
Your balance not sent for payout is lowI still dont see the 90 days premium option that can be extended via my balance. Anybody else facing same problem?
where the other premium plans ?
Your balance not sent for payout is lowI still dont see the 90 days premium option that can be extended via my balance. Anybody else facing same problem?