once when you reach at least 15 USD, funds from your balance (every sunday/monday at midnight EET I supose) will be reset to zero,how can i request payment in RG AND how long does it take to recieve the payment in webmoney
once when you reach at least 15 USD, funds from your balance (every sunday/monday at midnight EET I supose) will be reset to zero,how can i request payment in RG AND how long does it take to recieve the payment in webmoney
and you will wait 32 days to receive your money at your WM account.
For example your earnings in this week ( from April 13th - April 19th) if you reach at least $15 you will receive on your WM acc on May 21st.
while trying to upload a mp4 video, I got the "file is blocked" notification.. I tried again by changing md5 but no success. I again zipped it and changed file name, still no success. Can anyone please tell me how to bypass this blocking?
does it say deleted due to copyright infingerment or just deleted due to inactivity? if it was copyright someone obviously reported your files using a DMCA takedown.no i think its deleted with Fake report abuse
why you are so sure that they shave? maybe is just unlucky day for you, im pretty satisfied from them for now unlike with uploaded.