If david villa had not caught them red handed to cheat sales, i m sure they would not increase sales+rebills rates to 65%
But once cheater, always a cheater.
Now they wanted to make users forget this fact that a user caught them shaving sales and they wanted to make a good impression.
I trust RG. I am pretty sure they will find new clever ways to steal affiliates
There is no competition in filehosts today and they know that uploaders dont have other good filehost to work with.
They know users are trapped and they steal non stop in many ways.
hmm try to move nl than you will get high speed like i am getting@Virgin-heart
on FTP ?i get 50mbps upload spee at the moment
Q:*Do I have rebill from my file which has been deleted?
A: Dear Customer, Yes, you will receive the rebills from the deleted files
Good joke. If it will be true that they pay for rebils when file is deleting i will be reach peple, and get many rebils everyday. For my nothink change. Next 4 day will show if they change something or thay lie and cheat like so far
Im sure almost at 100 percent that a dont get anythink.
Dear Partners,
From today we have increased pay per sale rate to 65%!
You get 65% of the purchased premium accounts + 65% from rebills and manual renewals!