Rapidgator Discussion thread

no, everyone get sales but only steven have great sales all the time :) me also get sales like him even more but sometimes... he have aways good sales and he aways post stats when other complain... strange :) looks like he is part from RG team....
if i show you my stats of uploaded, you will say me is part from UL team....lol
no, everyone get sales but only steven have great sales all the time :) me also get sales like him even more but sometimes... he have aways good sales and he aways post stats when other complain... strange :) looks like he is part from RG team....
if i show you my stats of uploaded, you will say me is part from UL team....lol

why not ? their is no problem both host to pay you something... stiven i make also good sales some weeks i have more then 70 sales which can be better compare with your sales but strange thing is other weeks my sales drop 80% because of cheat ... but your sales it`s aways good its strange.. why you never have problem with sales.. why your account never been cheated from RG? Everyone here have been cheated from RG only you don`t have problems... and aways post stats when other complains...
if i show you my stats of uploaded, you will say me is part from UL team....lol

why not ? their is no problem both host to pay you something... stiven i make also good sales some weeks i have more then 70 sales which can be better compare with your sales but strange thing is other weeks my sales drop 80% because of cheat ... but your sales it`s aways good its strange.. why you never have problem with sales.. why your account never been cheated from RG? Everyone here have been cheated from RG only you don`t have problems... and aways post stats when other complains...

Your words are very funny:-=
i also only have 1-2sales in bad days and 10+ sales in good days.
In my opinion, the stats of sales delayed.
when you got 10+ sales per day, Do you think this is normal?
sorry for my poor english.:wave:
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its look like the only stats work perfect this days with RG is Deleted files statistics

i send to RG support a ticket proves
that i get sales everyday that not show up in my stats and no answer from him ofcourse
if he continue this bullshit all RG links in my site will be remove and his site will be in my banned list

stiven i can not pm you pls send me your stats on UL and RG too :D

and yes i believe stiven has good stats, because once i helped him to exhange his earnings, and i saw his money, i mean money was on my bank account for a few hours, so trust me, it was a real big money lol
yes we all agree steven earns big ... he is the bill gates of sales but whats the point of showing ur stats everytime people have problem . Bz its not necessary that if things r fine at ur end they r fine at other peoples end . For example like vailan said one week u get 70 sales and next week 15 does it looks normal . Or according to ur stats r delayed by a week ....

I think thats also one of their plan to give true sales to few people so tat all people dont start shouting ..... And so there will be someone to support them that their shave bot is a myth :cough:
this makes sense
if they steal that much which i know they do ,they can even hire some rats to give us some hopeful news to keep us on track
so we work our asses they make money
i am done with RG
Once they bring RG down, Stiven and other big uploader/earners will be prosecuted like happened in Filesonic and Oron. For small fish, they will not be noticed by the authorities with 100-200$ per months. They will go for the big fish like Stiven and others. Maybe the others are more clever than Stiven since they are hiding his stats unlike Stiven. No to clever my friend, not to clever....

Today, its so easy to copy the links and materials You are uploading and base on your IP address contact legal authorities to take the case. They will just add all the links, earnings on wmz and bye-bye. Today, even the Russian federation are working with SOPA authorities. If they press RG crew, they will reveal all the data to the authorities, no doubt about it....
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mate uploaders are not a target not even the big ones its like they will go after a dozen of peoples in over 50 country's
they after the big players with millions income every month from there files hosts sites

filesonic closed because he get chicken & scared after what happen to megaupload
now his team work in k2s
Gotta love the way you all complain but you still keep using RG even though some of you said in the past "I'm done with RG".
I guess that most of the ones who switch to another host find that the situation is even worst than in RG.
So, IMHO, if you're going to keep whining about how much "RG shaves" you then do something about it, be a man and stop using RG, for God's sake!
Gotta love the way you all complain but you still keep using RG even though some of you said in the past "I'm done with RG".
I guess that most of the ones who switch to another host find that the situation is even worst than in RG.
So, IMHO, if you're going to keep whining about how much "RG shaves" you then do something about it, be a man and stop using RG, for God's sake!

i start read what u wrote and then start laugh at
be a man and stop using RG
u let me remember russell peters
when it comes to money u cant talk abt being man lolz . If u dont get sales with other host with saame stuff but with rg u do get ur logic says u will go for it . Not a rocket science . And when almost everyone cares abt his own ass so why do someone will show bravery . Its not called being man its call being foolish .... Reason is simple if people switch in bulk to other host then it can impact them and ditter downloaders to buy more premium from other hosts . Else downloads find rg easist and most releible to buy . bz they think from their point of view not from urs :)

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