Rapidgator Discussion thread


hmmmm...! after more then 6 month struggle i finally decide to leave Rapidgator because there is nothing rapid on it any more ...! they shave frm last 6 month it's getting worst day by day status always frozen and they never recount during frozen time then next day coming status normal but last day status still the same means if you get 5-10 sale during last day frozen time you ll get 0 (hard-dic) nothing else i am leaving if you keep taking RG harddic then keep it up otherwise think about it before it's tooooooo late.. 80 to 90% ppl now RG shave them but they love to shave so keep it up
Regards ba-bye
Last edited:
Yesterday 1 sale and today 3 sale.

Looks like RG finally read my 2 long doggy messages and now they finally excluded me from their shave bot tool.

Yuppie Yuppie Bhou Bhou :cough:

Thank You RG!! But no, you can't tease me by throwing any ball(referring sales here). I will wait one more week and if situation looks stable, i will return all my doggies to your RG home. =D
they shaved me again sunday
its like you are going to lose your money if you don't write a complain
i remember good companies like filesonic,wupload,oron and .... that i barely complained about anything back there
if they are doing this to us we , uploaders should make a uniun or something otherwise these companies can suck everything out of us

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