Rapidgator Discussion thread

Why we all complain here !!
All of us should flood their inbox with complaining emails and give them few days after that if they don't hear from us then we should leave them permanently because this mean they didn't respect us so they didn't need us to work with their host and let us see how they will gather money without many of us !!

does anyone know how is this possible? my site contains only my own RG links ... and I earned "from site" but didn't sell any premium accounts (according to stats above) ... weird stuff
It's called "shaving". They do not count sales in specific hours or you have "enough" money on your account.

There may be some delay before sale is counted, but I don't think so (why it's counted in site's sales then? :D). That's fucking shaving and that's it.
@WD40 it is premium sold from your banner on website so bro this is shit host we should have to move on new host with some good rates and try any new host with majority they are at there end i dont get any sales from last 12 days they are crapp and shit them ooof i will no more us them 1 month good and 2 months baad for all they have a majority shaving peoples from time to time i will leave them off,
From this thread people are trying to make sales seem like magic, where rarity of content;premium or everyone can download and traffic to site do not play into getting sales.

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