im just curious can you explain how you're treated as servant?
are you being forced to use their service?
There'se no cheat in any sale system on any filehost i've ever work with as on filesonic, oron etc. There was always some guys as YOU who was always thought their was cheated. Right now I was working with LS but since theres no response from their side to affiliates I wen't on RG.
I remember when You was saying same thing in LS thread some time ago. I've never felt any drop there and If there was any it was just becouse of payment options changes. In first month on LS i've made >1k$, same about in second and almost 1k in third one but since second one their stopped paying.
I'm feeling better incomes come with RG coz of rebills. There wasn't any at LS.
There'se no cheat in any sale system on any filehost i've ever work with as on filesonic, oron etc. There was always some guys as YOU who was always thought their was cheated. Right now I was working with LS but since theres no response from their side to affiliates I wen't on RG.
I remember when You was saying same thing in LS thread some time ago. I've never felt any drop there and If there was any it was just becouse of payment options changes. In first month on LS i've made >1k$, same about in second and almost 1k in third one but since second one their stopped paying.
I'm feeling better incomes come with RG coz of rebills. There wasn't any at LS.
are you a idiot,or just not use your brain?
No,you are probably a noob,who have no clue what is going on in filesharing world.
Regarding sales, I cannot say for sure ...
BUT regarding number of downloads, I'm 100% sure this is not correct since the beginning. And it is very simple to test it using a vpn (to make sure you are using diffrent IP and different countries)
And this is why I left that host long time ago ...
If you get 10 DMCA, then you're banned. Files will be deleted after 2 hours of inactivity.
one question, In PPD program, do they count a unique download per ip each 24 hours or do they count every download?
Anybody got paid today?
If that were to be true, 95% of RG members would be banned.)
10 DMCA is nothing.