Rapidgator Discussion thread

Rapidgator 1 BIG scam CHEATER

Statics -- scam - CHEAT
payout -- no pay (many times ) 10 - 8x no pay never
sales ---- scam - CHEAT
PPD ---- scam - CHEAT

2 weeks ago do not receive your payment! (wmz)
Why are you lying, they scam you idiots (host) ?

loser - cheater file host
(all file host Cheater , idiot team)

since filesonic is dead with the death of the whole

the current hosts are poor people, and money-hungry scammers
Rapidgator the biggest disappointment of them all

ez a rapidgator a legnagyobb szarházi az összes büdös köcsög tár közül szegények , csórók , kevés a pénzük ki fizetni nem akar , hogy rohadjon meg és a legnagyobb csaló ezen a bolygón jelenleg.

Kedves RG remélem , web fordítóval lefordítod te is te büdös geci ha már ezt a buzi angolt kell fürkésznem folyton.
szopjál kicsit ganajkám neked is van webfordítód.
fizess - fizess - fizess rendesen te buzi vagy ha nem tudsz akkor ne üzemeltess file megosztót.
tőletek nagyobb csaló nincs és soha nem is volt még fileservén is túltesztek pedig az sem volt gyenge csalásban azt a nyíltan , pofátlanul csaló anyátokat.

So far RG always paid me (almost for a year) Maybe they shave stats, maybe not, but other hosts shave too.

How come u are not paid 8x-10x ? Do you use paypal or webmoney? If you use webmoney, did you install keeper classic and use verified account with mobile number?
They have never missed any payment for me, instead of accusing them you should check your wmz limits or check have you entered your correct wmz number before making such false claims.

Do not look bird , you loser
my account everything is fine
I see in my account that I can not sent you not been
I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for payments is not
So far RG always paid me (almost for a year) Maybe they shave stats, maybe not, but other hosts shave too.

How come u are not paid 8x-10x ? Do you use paypal or webmoney? If you use webmoney, did you install keeper classic and use verified account with mobile number?

WebMoney account and verified
My wmz account is perfect
rg is loser
@Jolie, did you type your Webmoney account data, in your rapidgator profile?

no idea whats wrong with your account, but if they never paid you, why you continued uploading weeks after weeks?
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I don't know how many use mirrors for the RG files. I do. However starting from today when I tried to remote upload from Ryushare to RS I get this message " Server issued an error response". Apparently Ryushare added some additonal digits to its download line and that is causing problems for RG servers. Anyone with the same problem?
WebMoney account and verified
My wmz account is perfect
rg is loser

If everyone here has no problem in this regard with Rapidgator, then its evident who is the actual loser here. Learn to talk properly and contact RG support instead of making stupid claims here, maybe things will work better for you if you try like a normal person would do.
If everyone here has no problem in this regard with Rapidgator, then its evident who is the actual loser here. Learn to talk properly and contact RG support instead of making stupid claims here, maybe things will work better for you if you try like a normal person would do.

Supported wrote 2x, no answer
money talks ,dog barking
The first 10 days of Feb., I had 48 sales.

The first 10 days of March, I had 0 rebills ....!!!!
This is quite similar to my situation. My last rebill was 7 days ago, but I have sales every day and had many sales 30 days before each of the last 6 days, so there had to be some rebills but they are not counted for me...
It says sales of 2-3 people doing the same.

Sales and Rebill censuses, there is definitely cheating.

First 10 days of February 12 sales
(9 are 1 month)

March in 10 days: 1 Total Rebill
They cheat like every other host does but you can't do much about that except leave and find another filehost.

The trouble is that my account shows only sales from old format links. Not a single sale from new ones since they have been introduced!

From usual 7-10 sales + 1-3 rebills everyday my sales are constantly dropping since Monday. I double checked and not a single sale has come from the links in new format - only old ones. I've read that some of you managed to sell through new links but I certainly did not.

Last Saturday: 700+ dls, 8 sales, 3 rebills/
This Saturday: 800+ dls, 1 sales, 1 rebills/
At this moment 200 + dls, and no sales/rebills!

So yes, sales are dropping like stone, at least for me!

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