Rapidgator Discussion thread

I have just started with RG, and doing the PPD mode doesnt give me any changes. I have some dls but not even a cent for that.
If there is an admin it would be nice to answer me. I wrote the e mail support and they havent replay.


photo of my stats

Add your payment details mate. Then download will be counted...

Yeah, I saw that what is written and on the photo i circle it with red. But when I open in payout details - nothing.

photo of "payout details" section.

Only two premium left, they really want to close there gates now trust me guys, better to chose another host now.

In the mean time in Atlantic ocean Oron and Filesonic owner was chilling out suddenly their radio catch a frequency they heard a news that rapidgator owner is now earning like them , so they decided to call him and join the party at atlantic ,

On Call: Hello RG Owner, Come here and join us before FBI fuck you like mega owner better to collect all the money and run away like us. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Thats all bullshit, there are tons of ways you can accept credit card payments and still be able to payout partners on time. Banks will simply process a chargeback if a merchant doesn't respond to the dispute in the allotted time. But RapidGator needs even weeks to reply to a stupid simple support question, so anyone still wondering here?

There is so much they could to do reduce chargebacks i just don´t know where to start with... But you know what, thats not what they want. They don´t want to make a reliable and working business that makes customers and partners happy.

So a first start would be closing affiliate accounts leading into too much fraudulent traffic. Furthermore product prices or even affiliate commission rates so that there is always a security reserve you can make use of in worth case. Don´t use this security reverse to buy fancy things. Instead pay your affiliates making your business grow by driving new customers

If you not able to do so Rapidgator, i am available for freelance work lol. I can help you with it to make everything run smooth and on time. Just send me a message...

Well you have no idea about how filehosts are victimized with Credit Card frauds. Closing accounts with fraudulent traffic wont ease anything since most of them are carders behind vpns or proxies and are able to create multiple accounts. Large volume of chargebacks indicate that you are running a high risk business which might lead to your payment processor either imposing penalties or shutting you down. Visa and MC impose strict guidelines on their acquiring institutions that mandate certain actions if chargebacks exceed certain thresholds.

RG already has a reliable and working business model and in order to remain afloat in the future these steps needed to be taken. They are not here to compensate their losses using their profit but they are here to make money just like you are.

"If you not able to do so Rapidgator, i am available for freelance work lol. I can help you with it to make everything run smooth and on time. Just send me a message..."
LOL! You dont have any idea how the chargeback process works or what are the associated risks and you are expecting them to hire you for managing their problems!

Get your facts straight before cooking new bullshit and serving it here!

Dabblers like YOU can only see their own problems... meh...

If they would have a reliable and working business they could have done what they´re doing now long time before. Actually telling customers that their cc companies now punish them because they can´t handle fraud and recieving ddos all the way is hilarious.

This business model RG runs or any other filehost is collecting money and if there are problems or its getting complicated letting users bleed instead of improving things on time.

However i don´t care at all. Its just ridiculous...
30 day + payout delay is sign that RG goes down for sure, with our money of course.
Only desperate people will continue to work with them - my 2 c. :thumbdown:
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Everything have alternative, already i am earning good in FileOM,

i kept old files, because i may get rebills from files, but that only happen in dreams due to shaving, now paying in one month hold.


Delete all Files........, Good bye RG

I see you don't miss a chance to promote FileOM.

I got your point, but you can't make sale with Fileom for a yrs, so you like reply smartboy's promotion...haha.:))

between i don't promote fileom like SM, don't take it wrong way!
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Will stop complaining when reducing hold days for payment, when the 14th pay you, or will you constantly dissatisfied????
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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