But Rapid Gator slowly and surely losing its popularity . People are sick of Rapid Gator exploitation , shamelessly thefts sales and rebills , lies , no supports ... and now BANNER !!!!!
Fucking banner is is the culmination of Rapid Gator insolence and humiliation for all of us !!!
I know , it`s not very easy to change the hoster , I have almost 8 Tb carefully selected and collectied materijal , posted on the cca 80 forums , there are two years of my work .... but further work wit Rapid Gator is no more sense !!
View forums , almost every serious uploader was left Rapid Gator and began to use some another hoster ( first k2s , and then terafile , uploaded ... )
Slowly , step by step I will leave Rapid Gator , because working more with him is absurdly .
me too, I totally agree with you. I will leave rapidgator step by step. i don't have large number of files but i have large number of premium.so i can't leave suddenly.
RG have bad support with badly attitude and low rate for pps.
stiven,depfile still works and pays.(I don't use them)
They have support on russian board.
I am posting here after a long time to say I completely agree with thesting, those days when they raised PPS to 65% they were counting everything just because they were threatened, the stats were amazing in those days, then when they saw users are coming back they started doing the same pathetic practice they always do,and now this week the situation is so bad that its getting completely useless to upload anything, no matter what I do they are not counting sales, and they are giving few rebills only for one month now, no 3 month rebills, no sales, just plain shameless shaving from a host that use to be so good.
Has anyone used terafile and got good results with it? Rapidgator as of now is dead, the only way they are going to count sales again if everybody starts leaving them but again that would be for a very short time so this host is just dead for me.
Don't think the banner itself is the problem.
Don't think they shave as much on sales, but rebills are criminal.
... and now this week the situation is so bad that its getting completely useless to upload anything, no matter what I do they are not counting sales, and they are giving few rebills only for one month now, no 3 month rebills, no sales, just
I think it is problem , big problem . Each new buyer will see first that big banner and logical he will rush to click on it .
I think it is problem , big problem . Each new buyer will see first that big banner and logical he will rush to click on it .
Yes a lot of people will click on the banner but RG should still credit a sale to a person from whose file banner was clicked when user buys premium after that promo expires. So it shouldn't effect sales for the worse, it just moves a point of sale by a day or two until that person decides to buy. If anything it should improve sales when people get used to advantages of premium day had for a short free period. That's why there is rebills from files posted a day or two ago. Think RG counts those sales from the banner as rebills. But regardless the banner itself wouldn't be a problem if RG counted all the sales and rebills, regardless if they come from a file directly or indirectly via banner. But the point is they won't as large piece of cake as they can get away with so they don't count a lot and keep it for themselves. And a lot of people are blinded with decent earnings and don't see the opportunity cost they are paying for not using another host that counts fairly.
Check yourself , banner does not contain any cookie , like for example HIGH SPEED DOWNLOAD tab !
Without cookies no traces , no counting sales , NOTHING for us , nothing for forums !
Maybe banner will be improve sales for RG profit , but what we have of it ? No one sales will not be counted and we will have nothing , we will work for free !
I Love You RG <3 Payment received! + 1 year free premium!
Premium till 2015-05-08 :psy:
yeah me 2 and he give me also a new lamborghini
I have a good sales,
But not RG,
He is uploadable.ch
I have a good sales,
But not RG,
He is uploadable.ch