Rapidgator Discussion thread

i got one sale today but it was counted at 50% and also in profile page my tariff showing 50/50 can anyone Show a 65/65 Screenshot of Profile page Please ?

I just check mine was same. download increased day by day...but no care
Rg admin/stuff keep watching this thread to bring back uploader with cheat offer...
Just got a small sale from letitibit....lolz, can't believe.
clever move.and how many of you started thinking about them again.they are clearly reading this thread so after 10+ pages of complaints they done this step. wanna see something funny.in k2s topic also 10+ pages of complaints and support claims that all is fine.now choose which host you want to use...
Tariff Pay per Sale (65/65)

[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content halfboard"]
[TD]Counted Downloads[/TD]
[TD]Premium Sales[/TD]

after 41 days , today finish in 00000
lol................................................................................even you give 165%............................................................
Never again,you bastard......................
Dear Partners,

From today we have increased pay per sale rate to 65%!
You get 65% of the purchased premium accounts + 65% from rebills and manual renewals!
but we earn as like 00 sale 00 rebill all sale and rebill only for rapidgator not for up loader