Rapidgator Discussion thread

RAPIDGATOR is The best Host Ever PPS of course yeah i don't get sales everyday but i don't work a lot
work hard & u get sales + weekly paiement , i don't believe in shaving maybe rebills but sales i do not know for sure !

Added after 2 minutes:

& Uploaded.to is the 2nd next one minimal payout 50€ is big somehow & 30days to get paid but it's fine for me mixed plans ifu get a sale u get 75% & in the same time u get €€ for downloads RG & UL are my main hosts since a year
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Don't Buy Premium Via Balance

Buy Premium Own Link And Own Site (Webmoney or other payment Method)

100% Sale Count And You Save Half Money ( pay 12.99$ and count sale ) Just Try

If you download from a id and upload from another id with the same IP, they will track you. You will safe If you are Using a proxy for download or upload. But If you just using a Rdp with the same ip for download and upload, you could be banned.



Don't Buy Premium Via Balance

Buy Premium Own Link And Own Site (Webmoney or other payment Method)

100% Sale Count And You Save Half Money ( pay 12.99$ and count sale ) Just Try

If you download from a id and upload from another id with the same IP, they will track you. You will safe If you are Using a proxy for download or upload. But If you just using a Rdp with the same ip for download and upload, you could be banned.

Where is proof ?
This month I've already lost 4-5 rebs that ppl prolonged since 4-6 months... (+ many more those prolonged since 2-3months...)
Coincidence? I don't believe that all those ppl thought that they do not need prem acc anymore;

Got confirmed 1m prem - but it's ridicolous what happened last week (2/4 - init/reb)
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uploading fails sometimes whereas it is good sometimes, get the error of login incorrect at times! other times its smooth but on and off mostly. it seems im having some bad days with rapidgator. just my luck :(
My account in rapidgator was hacked-email, wmz and pass :cursing:
I write rapidgator and they give me access in my account!
Hecker is
bilalkhanofficial@gmail.com, use this wmz: Z114637815380 / Z248448705165 -Pakistan

He hacked my email, my rapidgator account and other 2 acconts..... Now everything is ok, but I lost 9000 files
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How long there is no banner when DL as a free user ?
They pulled it off and all those lousy sales sarted ?
Last week was terrible, this one is starting the same (1 init sale today - confirmed by an user);

Don't know what to think, do...
My account in rapidgator was hacked-email, wmz and pass :cursing:
I write rapidgator and they give me access in my account!
Hecker is
bilalkhanofficial@gmail.com, use this wmz: Z114637815380 / Z248448705165 -Pakistan

He hacked my email, my rapidgator account and other 2 acconts..... Now everything is ok, but I lost 9000 files

can you tell us do you install anything new? in this week or last week and which antivirus you are using?
password for filehosting accounts must be unique..never use same password for forums/emails

1 pass for forums + diff email

1 pass for filehosting + diff email + enable security if the filehost have that option

1 pass for emails ...

watch the cracked software you install in ur pc !!

and more shit !! need attention ....
My account in rapidgator was hacked-email, wmz and pass :cursing:
I write rapidgator and they give me access in my account!
Hecker is
bilalkhanofficial@gmail.com, use this wmz: Z114637815380 / Z248448705165 -Pakistan

He hacked my email, my rapidgator account and other 2 acconts..... Now everything is ok, but I lost 9000 files

The safest email is gmail, use the 2 step verification so hacker cant hack ur email
the worst week from the moment I started to work with RG until Now
I almost forgot how was the face of 1 or 2 or 3... below the download hits

guys ,how is ur stats?

the other hosts have been better but RG ,still meaning of NOTHING !!
5 days = almost 1200 downloads = zero sale /rebill
for fucksake stop using RG & we are done if u don't trust/like them move on to another filehosts i've 10-50 download a day & i get from 1-4 sales daily & i'm very happy with it



Don't Buy Premium Via Balance

Buy Premium Own Link And Own Site (Webmoney or other payment Method)

100% Sale Count And You Save Half Money ( pay 12.99$ and count sale ) Just Try

If you download from a id and upload from another id with the same IP, they will track you. You will safe If you are Using a proxy for download or upload. But If you just using a Rdp with the same ip for download and upload, you could be banned.

Don't Need 2 Account < Buy RG Premium Account Your Own Link > if You Reach 4TB Storage You Must Need Premium Account

You Can Save 7$ if You Have Own Site, Very Simple Story
for fucksake stop using RG & we are done if u don't trust/like them move on to another filehosts i've 10-50 download a day & i get from 1-4 sales daily & i'm very happy with it
I was like you mate : i didn't understand why people are complaining while i get 1-5 sales per day with less work ;)
Now, last week was my first week with no payout minimum reached :) [2 years with RG]
the week before, i made 1 rebill + 1 sale ..
I, like most of guys here, work hard and upload good content..
I believe that RAPIDgayTOR is shaving our sales and rebills.. so, i think your turn will come shortly mate :)