Rapidgator Discussion thread

because ul.to has no accurate list of disappearing files... they have some list of abusing but thats not accurate, and i dont know whether files are listed there if get deleted due to inactivity.

im also thinking about luckyshare... i dont know how their deleted files stat good is.

and if RG dont implement new plan with bigger storage, maybe i will create a new account (which is not allowed i know), but i will use it from a different ip, different comp, different net, different WMZ. no referral of course. Its kinda allowed. :) but also stupid, why a man can not have one account, with double space, double price? whats the difference for RG? both ways RG gets the same money for storage...
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with the 1st plan premium, unlimited storage
Files will be deleted after 30 days no dl even if we have premium ??

RG is really becoming worst and worst , so expensive and bad service compare to other host
Richard ..i want the surely information
because its very bad step from RG :-&
i dont care about storage size
i care about my files from deleted [:|]
if its true i will stop paying premium from them :p
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@SoftFan i heard that bitshare does the same, they say unlimited time, but still delete old inactive files.

nmrs, i dont know exact time, but i had a set of files, uploaded on dec-2012, yesterday i tried to download them when i clicked download button got error message "session not found" and all files disappeared, marked as copyright in deleted stat. Files were for personal use, some txts, docs i made myself, my cat photos etc.. no copywright.
because ul.to has no accurate list of disappearing files... they have some list of abusing but thats not accurate, and i dont know whether files are listed there if get deleted due to inactivity.

im also thinking about luckyshare... i dont know how their deleted files stat good is.

Forget about ul.to.
They said that files are stored 180 days but many files are deleted after 2-3 months,files not shared anywhere.
Also they shave much more then rg and almost 0 rebills.

But LS looks better.
-unlimited space for premium
-you can be premium user for free - every sale you will get 7 days premium as bonus
-they don't delete random files
- about DMCA:
They delete files like every host,you will get email when files are deleted.
Also all deleted files you can see in DMCa folder in my files section
And also you will see copy of dmca ,so you will see who reported your files.
-sales looks ok,I don't know about rebills ( I'm too short oin LS to see rebills)
- premium users can download 15 gb daily.
There is a counter how many gb you download already with files list and how many gb left.

Few times they had deleyed payments(like now).
But so far they always pay.
I'm with LS for around 3 weeks.(I drop ul)

They have tracking sale system.
You can check when someone click button to buy premium even if he didn't buy premium account.
It's looks like this:

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ok, if RG doesnt change his storage and inactivity strategy, its time to change host. i wait about 2 weeks, then i will join Lucky too. :)

some delay in payments is ok to me (i get used to bitshare huge delays)

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

anyone tried this new host DEPFILE?
im not sure its a good idea to trust PP, its a known fact PP fu**ed all previous hosts before.

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

but Lucky has no PPD, thats a real huge + :) no profitssuckers and spammers are allowed :P
yes but even if i get paid via WM, when PP suspends their acc, we all would feel it.

but in sum Luckyshare looks a real pretty host. :)
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