because has no accurate list of disappearing files... they have some list of abusing but thats not accurate, and i dont know whether files are listed there if get deleted due to inactivity.
im also thinking about luckyshare... i dont know how their deleted files stat good is.
Forget about
They said that files are stored 180 days but many files are deleted after 2-3 months,files not shared anywhere.
Also they shave much more then rg and almost 0 rebills.
But LS looks better.
-unlimited space for premium
-you can be premium user for free - every sale you will get 7 days premium as bonus
-they don't delete random files
- about DMCA:
They delete files like every host,you will get email when files are deleted.
Also all deleted files you can see in DMCa folder in my files section
And also you will see copy of dmca ,so you will see who reported your files.
-sales looks ok,I don't know about rebills ( I'm too short oin LS to see rebills)
- premium users can download 15 gb daily.
There is a counter how many gb you download already with files list and how many gb left.
Few times they had deleyed payments(like now).
But so far they always pay.
I'm with LS for around 3 weeks.(I drop ul)
They have tracking sale system.
You can check when someone click button to buy premium even if he didn't buy premium account.
It's looks like this: