Rapidgator Discussion thread

i hope with these new storage limits, deleting files randomly will STOP! im sure lots of files were deleted due to lack of space, and had nothing to do with copyright. Files were deleted, even without sharing, .RAR files, with crazy names, even my cat photos.

I really hope random deletion is over now. If it is so, new limits are fine for me.
Abuse?????????????????????????? o_o

Ohhh Rapidgator, you are a stupid...... [¬_¬]

Solution is simple: Change files stay forever to files deleted after 180 days.;)

You want it to make more money, you can tell the truth :rofl:
I took the 3Months 500GB storage space plan. I guess its 6TB now instead of 500GB but it has not reflected in my account yet.
Anyone having the same issue?
And now they want you to pay them so they can earn on you and shave you like a sheep even more.Searching for a bit of logic?Dont waste time.Rg continuously makes such idiotic decisions every two months.When you find your tempo and style to work with them they make such things.They make a stupid step and in half hour the step is corrected so they can continue to protect how serious they are.They monitoring this thread for months and yet no support here from them.Two quick corections in one hour on the traffic/storage are clearly based on the reactions here i this thread.Now im 100% sure that Rg is runned by noobs and greedy amateurs.For the past month i was very satisfied with their service and again they where able to fuckup something.Now im so pissed of that even when they return to the original plan im not going to work with them.Serious partners dont make such things to their affiliates.

So tell us dear RG how long did you think about the storage per premium freak show when you changed it twice during one hour based on our reactions?Ha?Im out:facepalm:

Game end with rg , the sad part is that they shave sales , downloads .

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