Rapidgator Discussion thread

i have question regarding pay per download.
suppose i upload thousand files and every file is downloaded only once or twice but total downloads of total files reached more than 1000 then will total download of every file be counted or 1000 download of a single file?
i have question regarding pay per download.
suppose i upload thousand files and every file is downloaded only once or twice but total downloads of total files reached more than 1000 then will total download of every file be counted or 1000 download of a single file?

Not per file.. you get paid for 1000 dl from all files, it doesnt matter if file has 1 or 500 dl
i have question regarding pay per download.
suppose i upload thousand files and every file is downloaded only once or twice but total downloads of total files reached more than 1000 then will total download of every file be counted or 1000 download of a single file?

I will never understand these weirdos who try to help free downloaders and still give the files free
they want to earn money
what is the logic?

and they want to win by PPD
which is already well known
than any host that handles PPD
will fill you with publicity to the extreme
and as you will realize Rapidgator handles minimal advertising
that means your downloads are worth less than $ 000.001% of profit for you hahahaha
these fools and their PPD
I will never understand these weirdos who try to help free downloaders and still give the files free
they want to earn money
what is the logic?

and they want to win by PPD
which is already well known
than any host that handles PPD
will fill you with publicity to the extreme
and as you will realize Rapidgator handles minimal advertising
that means your downloads are worth less than $ 000.001% of profit for you hahahaha
these fools and their PPD
no doubt u know better than me and i respect that. but you could have helped me by explaining the situation rather than insult.
I will never understand these weirdos who try to help free downloaders and still give the files free
they want to earn money
what is the logic?

and they want to win by PPD
which is already well known
than any host that handles PPD
will fill you with publicity to the extreme
and as you will realize Rapidgator handles minimal advertising
that means your downloads are worth less than $ 000.001% of profit for you hahahaha
these fools and their PPD

why you always have to insult anyone earn less than you?

you should have some manners and respect everyone!
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why he said like this? does rapidgator doesnt pay with the amount it mentioned on his website?

idk, maybe because ppd is just for low quality uploaders
anyway if it brings money for you then its good

i'm not ppd uploader so i cant help.. and i will never use RG for ppd anyway!! but guys who use it can inform you beter!

i sugget you to take a look on file hsoting section and read comments !!

good luck

Stop talking trash! Your trash sentences are low quality! Did corona damage your brain?! WTF!

I'm using RG for PPS and DDownload for PPD - i'm earning nearly the same with both hosts. So it's just wrong what you're saying. Not talking about low amounts btw.

Using PPD @ RG isn't good, the reason is easy - they cheat. They shave as mich as they can and don't count downloads. They also do with sales, but not so extremly. So RG is good for PPS.

Other hosts like DDownload are good for PPD.

Stop talking trash! Your trash sentences are low quality! Did corona damage your brain?! WTF!

I'm using RG for PPS and DDownload for PPD - i'm earning nearly the same with both hosts. So it's just wrong what you're saying. Not talking about low amounts btw.

Using PPD @ RG isn't good, the reason is easy - they cheat. They shave as mich as they can and don't count downloads. They also do with sales, but not so extremly. So RG is good for PPS.

Other hosts like DDownload are good for PPD.
thank you so much man. such information is important for new guys like me. what about turbobit. any idea regarding that?

Stop talking trash! Your trash sentences are low quality! Did corona damage your brain?! WTF!

I'm using RG for PPS and DDownload for PPD - i'm earning nearly the same with both hosts. So it's just wrong what you're saying. Not talking about low amounts btw.

Using PPD @ RG isn't good, the reason is easy - they cheat. They shave as mich as they can and don't count downloads. They also do with sales, but not so extremly. So RG is good for PPS.

Other hosts like DDownload are good for PPD.

oh wow what a trash reply, do you feel offended miss KAREN? well i dont care what you use or what you feel

if you read carefully i said "MAYBE" thats the reason why Mausebein replied a little bit aggressive ...

jesus christ
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Idc about you and Mausebein the german nazi.

It's your opinion that my answer was trash - but i was able to help him. You wasn't helpful for him, reason you're using wjunction in 50% of all cases to lengthen your cock.
Your statements are screaming that you are completely baked of complexes and not even trying to help inexperienced users.

I just replied for two reasons:

1. I wanted to help him.
2. I wanted to help him.

Idc about you. BUT i hate people which are attacking new users. And your "maybe" is a joke - you meaned it that way i understood it.

PPS vs PPD is not related to quality. It's about content and how for how long you're uploading.
Rather i would say, if you get many downloads, people are using your service and others.
On the other hand - PPS you need some luck that people are buying using your links / cookies (most users don't care about using the ref link, because they'll get the same product anyway - using your ref link don't matter for them) or you're experienced uploader with a loyal community.

Anyway, that's not the place to discuss that. Please handle all users with more respect - all questions are welcome - and stopp saying all PPD uploaders are (maybe) trash.

And btw my name is written Jennifer not Jennefer ;)

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