Rapidgator Discussion thread

Though those weird logs are cleared right now in profile page.
But I dont think, with just changing your password can prevent those attacks.

Its simple , hacker attacking radom RG accounts with bruteforce by their email address,so untill or unless , you dont change your email, nothing would be changed.
But 1 point , changing email might hold your pending payments for longer period than usual(not quite sure).

Unfortunately it was a bug in authorisation log.
Your account was not hacked.
We are sorry for the inconveniences.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Kindest regards,
Rapidgator support representative.

2 weeks BRUTAL SHAVING !!!!!!
Give me my sales !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is amazing. You are big thieves!!!!! :cursing:

Same week from the last month:


And this week:


From month to month, stealing more and more :cursing:
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Sales are perfectly fine!! Stop all your bitching. If you don't like it, then the answer is simple... MOVE.

Ahahahahahahahah this is fine for you, are you serious. You got 112$ for 10 days with 2254 downloads and you say that this is fine for you :facepalm::))
Lol mate how long do you work this job you are so funny mate :hrhr::cough:
ALSO can you please explain to me stats for 2017-01-26. HAHAHAHA very good photoshop but your mathematics are very bad dude :))
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Sales are perfectly fine!! Stop all your bitching. If you don't like it, then the answer is simple... MOVE.

Ahahahahahahahah this is fine for you, are you serious. You got 112$ for 10 days with 2254 downloads and you say that this is fine for you :facepalm::))
Lol mate how long do you work this job you are so funny mate :hrhr::cough:
ALSO can you please explain to me stats for 2017-01-26. HAHAHAHA very good photoshop but your mathematics are very bad dude :))

@horrmet .... Yes this is fine for me.

1. I actually got $117.67 in 10 days... Not $112. You're looking at the wrong column! Maybe you need to go to Specsavers?

2. How long do I work for this job?? Well, it took me approx 1 hour to program the script, and now everything else is automatic!! So, I guess 1 hours work in total. Not too bad for continuous income hey - Where I practically have to do NOTHING because of my custom script.
Also bear in mind that I'm only showing you 10 days worth - And this is the latest 10 days... Nothing previous. And this is not my best week by far!

3. Explain to you the stats for 26/01/2017... What exactly do you want explaining??
One rebill which consists of one sold premium $7.4950 and $0.7495 earned from site... which is $8.2445 - and this tallies with the total. So again maybe you need to go to Specsavers?? Or perhaps your own mathematics is very bad.

Don't really know why your so butthurt lol, but your making yourself look like a fool.

Oh and for the record, NOTHING in that screenshot is photoshopped.
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3. Explain to you the stats for 26/01/2017... What exactly do you want explaining??
One rebill which consists of one sold premium $7.4950 and $0.7495 earned from site... which is $8.2445 - and this tallies with the total.

probably he dont has his own site, so he has no clue how site earning stat woking ;)

Anyway ,may I know you are getting 200+ downloads for waez or xx?
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