Files uploaded in the last 30 days: 43.74% (538 Files - 239.28 GB)
Files downloaded in the last 30 days: 61.9% (1237 Files - 338.67 GB)
Files that are uploaded more than 60 days ago: 46.29% (1197 Files - 253.24 GB)
Files are not downloaded for more than 60 days: 0.5% (12 Files - 2.73 GB)
Files downloaded less than 5 times: 88.14% (1297 Files - 482.22 GB)
Files that have never been downloaded: 12.25% (126 Files - 67 GB)
Files without sales: 98% (1873 Files - 536.13 GB)
What a shaving month.
Same week stats form the last month:
And fot this month:
Earnings fell by more than half in this month :cursing:
guys is there anyway to change pps from ppd before make 10$?![]()
guys is there anyway to change pps from ppd before make 10$?![]()
Yes, you are right. When you are on PPD you see only downloads, but when you are on PPS you see sales and downloads too.
Yes, you are right. When you are on PPD you see only downloads, but when you are on PPS you see sales and downloads too.