RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

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  • I want to work on pay per download

    Votes: 275 73.3%
  • I want to work on pay per sale(50/50 plan)

    Votes: 100 26.7%

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It figures..... weekend's coming, so web upload speeds are down to crap again.... the good speeds didn't even last 24 hours..... :facepalm:

Yesterday, speeds were actually good during the entire day... Too bad that was only for 1 day and now we're back to the same crap speeds of 0.23mb/s!!!

What's the excuse now? Bandwidth? Server Crash? World War 3?? A bird made a bad landing on the power lines.....? :facepalm: :facepalm:

I just got ban. I not sure what happen. Just woke up and see my account got ban.

When try registering new user it said

Dear Customer,
We detected that you registered more than one account from your PC.
Having multiple accounts is prohibited by our Terms.

Since when i using more than one account ?
I do nothing. I uploaded and left to sleep. After woke up and login it write

Please fix the following input errors:

  • Error e-mail or password.
After that try reset password

Please fix the following input errors:

  • No user with this Email.
Now all files gone and account.

I just got ban. I not sure what happen. Just woke up and see my account got ban.

When try registering new user it said

Dear Customer,
We detected that you registered more than one account from your PC.
Having multiple accounts is prohibited by our Terms.

Since when i using more than one account ?

from the faq on rg site

Q. Why my account was suspended without notice?
A. We almost never block user's account without notice. If this happened, mostly this is a mistake or an error causing direct service threat. Contact our support and we will do our best to help you asap.
from the faq on rg site

Q. Why my account was suspended without notice?
A. We almost never block user's account without notice. If this happened, mostly this is a mistake or an error causing direct service threat. Contact our support and we will do our best to help you asap.

I have contact them. I don't think they reply asap. I take time to solve this.
i think my balance is incorrect for me,I earned more than $ 100 per a week but I always receive less than $ 100, can u explain than ???

Thank you for support !
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