Active Member

I am pleased to introduce a brand new quality file host. A site that I will be providing the support for called
What makes us difference to all the other file hosts?
Quite simply - good support, quality stable servers and prompt payouts. I will be available here on a daily basis and welcome feedback and suggestions.
Do we have any experience of this business?
We absolutely do! The company has a strong hosting background and my own skills are from the customer service side so we will be doing our utmost to earn your business.
What do we offer?
Three earning opportunities namely:
*We will pay our affiliates up to $30.00 for every 1,000 downloads.
*We pay our affiliates 50% of every premium account sold.
*And for those who like a slice of both pies, we offer a massive 50% of all downloads and 25% of all premium sales!
We know that many of you like to earn through PPD so we have kept the requirements very simple so to avoid any confusion:
Be paid for ALL file sizes from ALL countries so:
Sizes/Countries: Group A | Group B | Group C
Files Up to 250 MB: $7.50 | $5.00 | $1.50
251 MB - 1,000 MB: $15.00 | $10.00 | $3.00
1001 MB and above: $30.00 | $20.00 | $10.00
Group A Countries: U.S.A, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand
Group B Countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain & Switzerland
Group C Countries: Rest of the world.
For more details, please check out the site and our program.
Thanks for reading. I`ll be here on a daily basis for any questions.