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I especially hate grannies that "have no other choice" to take the bus the exact same time as you are on your way to the train station. They walk damn slow, got a whole day to ride the bus but NO they always have to be on the same freaking bus with the people that are actually DOING something and need to catch their train.

My grannie ftw because she doens't take a bus, ever! :P All other grannies ftl!
Random Hate:

* For those who think that drinking alcohol is cool.
* For those who think that smoking is cool.
* For those who think that using drugs is cool.
* The people who think that being fat, skinny and untrained is ok.
* Adults who are living with their parents after their twenties. (especially for men)
* The people who are trying to copy others.
* When people pretend to be someone else to fit in or impress someone. X-(
When I buy and expensive mac the dam motherboard and hd die. (good thing for insurance)
people who try to sell they're 0.25 warez site for 1000 dollars
console freaks
people irl who think theyre all that we're theyre that biggest homos
when the football team is getting ready and the gay soccer players come in and we have the beat the shit outta them

oh yea

warez sites
dotcom - always spamming up the shoutbox when hes on
people who dont even know the basics of english and join wj
indian mj's
wannabe hackers
shit designers who think their gfx is the best
cg society - makes me feel like im some ms paint user
tinypic - slow fucks
oh and grannys who ring at your door wake u up just to ask for directions
I forgot one important thing:

I find it quite annoying when (illiterate) people put spaces before a comma or a question/exclamation mark or use capitals where they aren't needed.

"Is this a EnGLiSh Lecture Hall ?"
"Whoever Did It Will Also Face The Same Problem"
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