We are happy to announce our relaunch.
Since end November 2013 RadicalShare has provided Cloud Storage and Affiliate Programs for many satisfied Costumers and Affiliates. We guarantee a stable Quality Service, tons of Unique Features, in time payments, satisfied Downloaders and Uploaders, best earnings and a great dedicated support!
We reward you
1 File every 2 hours
Download Speed when on Mixed: 110 kb/s
1 File every hour
No waiting time beween downloads!
Download Speed when on PPD: 300kb/s
No waiting time beween downloads!
General Rules
Sales & Rebills
All Sales and Rebills are highly accurate and will be counted
Referrals and Webmaster
All Plans include Webmaster Sales 7% and Referral 5%.
Site Owners get special Rates. Contact us. Many Banners available.
Skype: radicalshare-support
E-Mail: support@radicalshare.com
ICQ: 131534
Since end November 2013 RadicalShare has provided Cloud Storage and Affiliate Programs for many satisfied Costumers and Affiliates. We guarantee a stable Quality Service, tons of Unique Features, in time payments, satisfied Downloaders and Uploaders, best earnings and a great dedicated support!
We reward you
- 60% of the sale of each valid initial Premium order
- 60% of the sale of all Rebills!
- You receive 5% from each person that you refer to us!
- 7% of all Sales from your Website!
1 File every 2 hours

Download Speed when on Mixed: 110 kb/s
1 File every hour
No waiting time beween downloads!

Download Speed when on PPD: 300kb/s
No waiting time beween downloads!
General Rules
- Payments are made with: Paypal (2%Fee), Skrill (2%Fee), Bank transfer (5% Fee, minimum withdraw 150€), Bitcoin (5%Fee)
- Payments will be completed within 14 business days.
- We check every Sale and the traffic before we payout. Cheating will result in a permanent ban.
- Your uploads must meet our terms of service.
- Chargebacks and refunds are deducted from the account balance.
- Spaming Links through E-Mail or Messanger is strictly prohibited
- FTP, Remote, Zoom and Browser Upload
- Minimum payout: 10,-EUR when on PPD, 20,-€ when on Mixed, 30,-€ when on PPS
- We count only completed downloads and 1 IP every 24 hours.
- Adult content is allowed
Sales & Rebills
All Sales and Rebills are highly accurate and will be counted
- 60% of all Sales and 60% of all Rebills are activated for all payment methods
- Secure transactions
- Very low percentage of declined transactions
- Many payment methods
- Statistic Page
- Switch-off the 1-Day Premium
Referrals and Webmaster
All Plans include Webmaster Sales 7% and Referral 5%.
Site Owners get special Rates. Contact us. Many Banners available.
Skype: radicalshare-support
E-Mail: support@radicalshare.com
ICQ: 131534
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