L Luke Banned Banned 848 2009 0 0 Sep 22, 2009 #1 Can anyone name me a situation where the word chillax is approprate?
S sherwood Active Member 805 2008 0 0 Sep 23, 2009 #3 "What does chillax mean?" it would be appropriate in that sentence :p
E EvilGenius Active Member 754 2009 4 0 Sep 23, 2009 #5 "Chillax motherfugger she'll be here any minute" lol! Check this out > http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chillax
"Chillax motherfugger she'll be here any minute" lol! Check this out > http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chillax
L Luke Banned Banned 848 2009 0 0 Sep 23, 2009 #6 Why didn't he just say relax as to relax you must be chilled
K kenshin Active Member 1,504 2009 18 0 Sep 23, 2009 #7 Luke said: Can anyone name me a situation where the word chillax is approprate? Click to expand... whered u get this from anyway? i think the only place i heard it was in an episode of Psych...
Luke said: Can anyone name me a situation where the word chillax is approprate? Click to expand... whered u get this from anyway? i think the only place i heard it was in an episode of Psych...
T To0 Active Member 2,273 2008 1,130 260 Sep 23, 2009 #8 Some guy by the name of 'to0' started a thread here with that word: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=13475
Some guy by the name of 'to0' started a thread here with that word: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=13475
M Administrator Staff member 6,212 2007 4,961 24,145 Sep 23, 2009 #9 Luke is banned now so there is no point of this thread being open. Thank you.