- Earn up to $40 for 1000 Downloads (Official)

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Hello. I've received an mail from Piramyde and says: After getting more email to turn back to PPD (PAY PER DOWNLOAD) Program, and after testing the PPs (PAY PER SALE) program we decide to go forward with both of the 2 program (PPD and PPS), by default the earning program is PPD (This program lets you earn money - $40 per 1000 downloads and 20% on Referal earning- when your files are downloaded. We count and pay for downloads from all countries.), you will have the choice to change it to PPS (We pay up to 70% all new Premium Accounts + 5% on Referal earning) in the members area.

It's mean a relaunch of site?Any proof of payment?Admin be online to answer at our question, if you want to have a great site.
Hello. I've received an mail from Piramyde and says: After getting more email to turn back to PPD (PAY PER DOWNLOAD) Program, and after testing the PPs (PAY PER SALE) program we decide to go forward with both of the 2 program (PPD and PPS), by default the earning program is PPD (This program lets you earn money - $40 per 1000 downloads and 20% on Referal earning- when your files are downloaded. We count and pay for downloads from all countries.), you will have the choice to change it to PPS (We pay up to 70% all new Premium Accounts + 5% on Referal earning) in the members area.

It's mean a relaunch of site?Any proof of payment?Admin be online to answer at our question, if you want to have a great site.
if you have any problem fill free to contact us

Scam Site
Ne Respected Filehost acts like this
R U amateur ?
This professional business Bro
U can't take decisions as U Like
U Should respect affliates

Scam Site
Ne Respected Filehost acts like this
R U amateur ?
This professional business Bro
U can't take decisions as U Like
U Should respect affliates

1* how did we scam you ?
2* like other ? when ht ban acc or when rs stop the payout
mate File sharing is a free site to share files and storage data
3* we already add new system PPS and PPD now
4* we add new option for secure your account "security lock"
now you can lock your account this will protect your account from hacker

Scam is not only Stealing money by not paying affliates
U steal money by other method
who will compensate the affliates for the period when u made it pps only ?

I will tell U what U did
U attracted affliates by your alleged high rates
and then changed your plan to PPs Only
as long as few or no people will purchase premium from new filehost
U will not have to pay any affliate besides U keep your traffic
Damn it B-)

you are wrong stop saying this to pyramidfiles if u didnt like simply dont use it

i am using pps and did receive today $24.9 to my pp

Scam is not only Stealing money by not paying affliates
U steal money by other method
who will compensate the affliates for the period when u made it pps only ?

I will tell U what U did
U attracted affliates by your alleged high rates
and then changed your plan to PPs Only
as long as few or no people will purchase premium from new filehost
U will not have to pay any affliate besides U keep your traffic
Damn it B-)

Scam is not only Stealing money by not paying affliates
U steal money by other method
who will compensate the affliates for the period when u made it pps only ?

I will tell U what U did
U attracted affliates by your alleged high rates
and then changed your plan to PPs Only
as long as few or no people will purchase premium from new filehost
U will not have to pay any affliate besides U keep your traffic
Damn it B-)

no man donot say this

i receved more money from him
dear Doctor007

i never force any one to use pyramidfile
if u have any proof tht i didnt pay u post it here

and for other for support
Turning to PPS Only Is Scam for me
From where did U Get this idea ?
U said that your affliates asked U to return to PPD again
So this what they want
And U do what They want , don't U ?
So , why did U turn to PPS only ? did they asked U to do that ?
Sure , they don't , But U think only about yourself
& U returned only to PPD Because U Realized finally that U will Lost a lot of traffic
As many uploaders will stop Using UR Site

man its file sharing site some time they stop like hotfile and like rapidshare

and one more thing i dont know if you people forget

that file sharing is not for wrz or xx x it s for storage data on net
but some ppl use it for wrz or x x x

Turning to PPS Only Is Scam for me
From where did U Get this idea ?
U said that your affliates asked U to return to PPD again
So this what they want
And U do what They want , don't U ?
So , why did U turn to PPS only ? did they asked U to do that ?
Sure , they don't , But U think only about yourself
& U returned only to PPD Because U Realized finally that U will Lost a lot of traffic
As many uploaders will stop Using UR Site
U R Really Funny
Nice Comparison Between that thing called " pyramidfiles" & RS - HF
I could Understand that pyramidfiles faced the same issues as HF & RS
WTF U R Saying
U can defend by other method , not to say these shitty comments

Concerning what we upload , tell me sir
what do U Upload , & what does any filehost admin think his affliates upload ?
I Think Fileserve admin think that his affliates upload personal Photoes & videos
& So he pays them
U Really have a good mind
Find Other way to defend your shitty Opinion
dear all uploader i thnx all for all your support
apostars osama ...

and for Doctor007 we have the full right to do wht ever we want
do u pay for our server more then $2000 per month ? do u pay to our affiliate ?
we did test ppd and we test pps and then we separate pps and ppd
for our good , and as you see unlike other host we do not limit count per ip per 24h
now if you are unhappy simply dont use us no one is perfect , we are ppl we do mistake.NO one is Perfect and i am really sad that u are nt happy with us . pm me and i will give u a offer (private offer).

and for other visitor and uploader i wish you happy Easter holidays

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Scam is not only Stealing money by not paying affliates
U steal money by other method
who will compensate the affliates for the period when u made it pps only ?

I will tell U what U did
U attracted affliates by your alleged high rates
and then changed your plan to PPs Only
as long as few or no people will purchase premium from new filehost
U will not have to pay any affliate besides U keep your traffic
Damn it B-)

You are right (y)
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