Putme.org - Earn up to $1 per 1000 video views - Free video hosting

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Please upgrade my account to vip :)

now all member can upload file

uploading speed is very low 250 KB top 1MG ,,

new data center speed is very much

Please someone help me
Where I can put the putme links ?

search on google

why i have only 2$ in my account??where is my money admin??

fund added on your account
problem is we move to new data center and restore 3 day old data center mysql db
this will not happen again

same problem here had alost 10 $ now only 2.38$

fund added on your account
problem is we move to new data center and restore 3 day old data center mysql db
this will not happen again

just by any chance, does a change in the provider mean that you can allow legal porn now?


ZOOM uploader??

available soon

can u upgrade my account ?
username catadur

now all member can upload file

to all
no file size limit
same rate for 50mb+ file
great chance to earn more
Last edited:
after so much upload flood and porn spam

we only allow VIP member for upload
pm me your username or reply this thread for join VIP member Upgrade

Thank You
did you change rates ?

2012-12-01 3603 / $3.3224 0 / $0 $0 $3.3224 2012-12-02 4117 / $3.0781 0 / $0 $0 $3.0781 2012-12-03 5229 / $2.7706 0 / $0 $0 $2.7706
did you change rates ?

2012-12-01 3603 / $3.3224 0 / $0 $0 $3.3224 2012-12-02 4117 / $3.0781 0 / $0 $0 $3.0781 2012-12-03 5229 / $2.7706 0 / $0 $0 $2.7706

no i have not change rate but my developer fix bug in script

before script count all download means if user visit video page and just click play
this will count on earning my developer fix this if user not watch or download 50% more this video count then earning not count but download count by default script

contently script count all if user just click and not watch 50% this will count but earning not count
i have not cut any user earning before they earn from this bug

that's why you see much download and low earning
Is that really all that happened?

My stats went much more drastically - i sinked like a stone.

By the way, why is this such a huge problem? I mean, your ads get displayed anyways and all that happens is you save some traffic. If cheating is the issue, there are other things to prevent this - captchas, data analysis...
why ignore my post? :(
anyway again can you please make my account vip so i can start upload? :/
again username is : jRayden
hope you will see and won't ignore my post now :/
it seems it froze for everybody. same thing happened yesterday around this time, lasted for a couple of hours and when it got moving again, nothing from the frozen period was counted. if its gonna be the same this time around, all of us will lose todays earnings.
my stats are frozen for several hours
please check

why ignore my post? :(
anyway again can you please make my account vip so i can start upload? :/
again username is : jRayden
hope you will see and won't ignore my post now :/

my stats are frozen today,no views nothing
please check

Hello all

now counter working well
we have some change in affiliate programs
as per our Terms of Service
We reserve the right to change affiliate programs.

what we change and why

1) rate change $1/1000 view/Download
we change rate because we not get much earning from our adverting company
we pay much but low get from adverting company
we don't want to run out and stop site

2) download stream speed change 1mb/sec video
so video stream very fast and your download and earning count very fast

3) change video % view for earning
before this we count 50%+ video view or download
now we change to 10%
10% video download with speed 1mb/sec earning count very fast

4) We count this country only other will count download but earning not count :
United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, France, France, Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Austria, South Africa, Sweden, Belgium, Israel, Brazil

in payout we not change anything
all payout will done in 48 hour after you request

now we not have any pending payout
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