PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Go into " My Profile " - Click " Afilliate Option " which is on the left hand side of the page.

then you should see your earnings/points -

Looks like this :

"Earning Level Level 2" or level 1 Depends on if you've been upgraded yet.

"Earnings This Month $123.45"

"Points Balance 12,345"

(Points and Earnings are just an example)

Hope this is what your lookin for doolla.
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im a new user. I'm From Bangladesh, a third world country. Naturally most of my traffic comes from this area. Is this why i some day gonna get banned??? There shud be some other options for us,otherwise ppl from these areas will abandon your siteX-(. Of course u can tell u don need them, but i think most of the ppl will agree with me that every brand shud b globalized. Other Host's pays less for downloads from these third world,u can apply some rules that kinda but plz don ban us.:(

Anyways i like the features u provide. Please upgrade my acc and provide one month free premium membership if its possible.:D

My Id : love_bug

Note : Can i embed videos to my blog from putlocker.com?8-)
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i find

Earnings This Month $0.36
Points Balance 325

what is this ??? u are say
"Earnings This Month $123.45"

"Points Balance 12,345"

so what >>

and where is the last month . this is earning about this month
"Earnings This Month $123.45"

"Points Balance 12,345" <<<<<<< I was using that as an example Doolla.

if your stats say :

Earnings This Month $0.36
Points Balance 325

That means you've earned $0.36 so far.

If you are Level 2, the upload is really fun. Now that many other hosters are offline I will upload much more with you. I hope I continue to Level 2 the only way to upload makes fun.
skouli- i can find your username, pm me the email you registered with.

doolla- check your affiliate/account stats.

love_bug- we do not get paid on traffic from those countries so that is why we implement the limit on the countries. You have to send more traffic from other places in order for your account to be valid. You can embed using the iframe embed we have under the player.

accounts upgraded.

we offer money for traffic for our affiliates.

we have lives too guys :P i was away enjoying nature with the family :)
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