PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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what about the finished upload files from FTP which they didn't appear in My Files folder yet ?

Before experience in FTP upload problem, I connect through FTP and upload a lot of files about 20-25 GB.
I open my computer all night long because it took very long time to finish.
Then FTP upload shows all completed upload files.
I deleted all my finished upload file from my computer.
I closed My FTP program.
And The uploaded files didn't appear to my file yet.

I thought it might a bit delay

Then I try to connect FTP again to upload more files and I couldn't connect.

Question is............
Do I need to reupload my 20GB files again? or It will appear to my file folder when the problem is fixed?

If yes, I would feel quite sad because I have deleted the files (no back up)
and it use bloody long time to download from torrent again. Thank you

Sorry for bad English (I'm Thai)
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I have a simple suggestion, now when someone click putlocker banner on my site he is moved to putlocker main site, maybe you change this aff link to point straight to the "Go Pro" site ? This will be much more better for premium sales.
Uploading Methods
- Web based uploading
- FTP uploading
- File Scraping (enter URL, file is copied)
- Uploading API (for programmers)

I noticed it just now and I must say this is fucking insane :blink: Im uploading all movies, it take me a lot of time to upload it and then post on my site (dedicated for putlocker movies) and what I just saw today - some guy just opened a similar site and he copy paste all my fucking links X-( This option is spitting in the faces of real uploaders.... :facepalm:

Im uploading 10 hours per day fucking movies to putlocker, and what, some fucking kid use my RSS and copy all my links in 5 fucking minutes into his acc and his site, fucking great, ...

I apologize for saying so but I dont like something like this, its just not fair to people who upload all that files to putlocker ... maybe you do something like this :


its ul.to (import option)
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Hey I have a stupid question : I have reached 10 Dollars and I dont know how to request them ?
are they gonna be transfered to my Alert pay account in the first of JULY ?

thank you
Accounts Upgraded.

No Porn.

Drinkordie-not sure why you are so worked up, this is a remote download feature which many hosts have...

Money gets Automatically transferred.
Is it possible to add remote upload to the api?

And I would like to be upgraded to Lev2, too (I am already pro).
Username PutLocker: Super_C
Username SockShare: suc

Couple of problems

Some of the sorting seems to be realy strange

sg1.7 gets sorted befor sg1.4 some other issues with - signs messing up sorting. some special signs seem to get a very strange priority. all we need is same sorting as used in excel and other programms.

web upload via zoom finaly working but web upload to buggy. sometimes links are to slow to appear so tool will reupload. some dont go through on sockshare as in putlocker no matter what one does. sometimes 40% of files are missing and reuploads dont help they just dont appear. if converting fails in sockshare and file is uploaded to putlocker it will not even try and convert and say failed because of the files uploaded being stored as one copy on both just link is different.

also getting all links if there is more then one page of uploads always results in last link not being in the link list

all this causes a lot of wasted bandwidth for us and you. if tool is set to reupload 100 times it will just bombard servers. and if no one can pick out mass links properly because there are files missing and sorting is strange there will just be dead stuff lying on your servers. for example 800 gb movies resulted in 1005 in sockshare and 1089 in putlocker and i dont feel like sorting those in excel and see which ones are missing, how the alphabetical sorting differs in putlocker from the standart excel oder zoom (because web fails worse then ftp) sorting and always pick out last link on page manually. i think you see where i am going
account upgrade on sockshare

Hi Putlocker,

Could you upgrade my account (username: zamster) on sockshare to level 2 please?

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