PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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the clone function is available to PRO users.

we will implement the search function shortly.

mrpiano not sure what the problem/question is, pm me with more details...

accounts upgraded
Thank you, Thank you..

Edit: 1 point=1 view or ?

Date Total Downloads Unique Downloads Earnings May 26, 2011 4 2 $0.00
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what is the difference between putlocker and sockshare?
would it make sense i put the same files on both and post both links into the boards and sites?

The difference is that are not the same sites,that means individual count of IPs.If someone downloads from putlocker you get 1 point.if he downloads second part from sockshare you get 1 point there even if its the same IP.
account upgraded.
Putlocker and Sockshare are affiliated but they are different sites with different log ins.

referral is 3000 points, not sure where you got 50%...
half of their first payment of 5.99 which is 3000 points. Also, if you are on level 2 that means you actually earned $6 from 3000 points.
in Affiliate Options i get
Earning Level: Level 2
Earnings this Month: 120$
Points Balance: 120.000

with Level 2 and 120.000 Points i should have 240$, or are my math skills so damn bad?

Points and $$$ are just examples!
it depends.when you became level 2?

If you became now all the previous points count level 1.if you are level 2 from the day one that means your account has problem.
accounts upgraded.

we pay automatically on the 5th of every month so make sure your payment details are correct.

mysticreptile- checked your account, points and money looks correct, shows your current payout is around $240...please check again
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