PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Thanks for the upgrade, but a quick question: level 2 earnings will be updated at the end of the month, cause I m still at level 1 on the statistics? For today it showed: unique downloads 150 - earnings 0,3$, but in 5 min it showed again uniques 150- earnings 0,15$
accounts upgraded.

aicinuprea- level 2 earnings are calculated starting the day you receive level 2. checked your account, everything seems to be fine.
Acc upgrade

Hi ,

Can you please upgrade my Sockshare Acc to level 2 .

Username : ******

Thank you in front .

regards .
Last edited:
please upgrade my putlocker account to level 3.
My username is: kote_1
Thank you in advance.:)

please upgrade my sockshare account to level 3.
My username is: Mariela_d
Thank you in advance.
account upgraded

mariela_d-you are barely sending any traffic, we cannot upgrade your account to level 3 until you get at least 15k uniques daily and a good PRO conversion rate from your traffic.
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