Giveaway PSD to HTML/CSS Service

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Active Member
First of all i want you guys to know that i will only be taking on 1 task per 48 hours. The reason for this is that i have a son now and my time is spent with him as you will understand.

What you need to know?
I want to do this for people because i am at college and i need to start getting work put together showing that i can do PSD to HTML/CSS and show my tutors what i am capable of and also so that i can build up a portfolio, also i like doing it just for practice.

How to submit?
All you have to do is say in here that you would like my service and then mail me with the information i need and the PSD/PSD's of your site.

It is as easy as that.

I look forward to coding for some people for free, i aint sure if anyone will recommend me as i have not done this on here before but i guess all i can do is offer and hope people will let me show what i am capable of.

NOTE: I will only make your website Responsive if you state you want it, if not i will only convert to normal HTML / CSS
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ofcourse i have done PSD to HTML.
I do PSD to HTML/CSS to Wordpress :)
I am currently a studend in my third year doing computer arts and digital design.
I have not got any work online, only got one template on my laptop at the moment.
"Brazzo" - are you still doing that?
If yes - I had a template coded [paid for] but am not happy with it. Would you be interested to re-code and make some changes?
If so, please let me know. I have that template currently online [empty site] so you could take a look and discuss.
PS: forgot to mention, it is already coded for wordpress, as well as I have the html.
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