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Wrong; I only have free links, if you post 400mb + links you will be considered as a cash whores , only a very few people will dl your files and you wont be able to post in any forum.
This mean if i have a all of 400mb+ links the peoples dont buy any premium on my links?But i dont want to post other forums.I want to only post my blogspot.Is it useful for premium sales?
Here is mine:


This mean if i have a all of 400mb+ links the peoples dont buy any premium on my links?But i dont want to post other forums.I want to only post my blogspot.Is it useful for premium sales?

Lol if you only post on your blogspot I really doubt you will be able to made lot of sales, maybe few sales a month if you are lucky, especially if you only post premium links.
Lol if you only post on your blogspot I really doubt you will be able to made lot of sales, maybe few sales a month if you are lucky, especially if you only post premium links.

Why? Is blogspot untrustful?Or "Warning content" page decrease premium sales and article hits?
I will transfer my blogspot premium fsc porn posts to my wordpress blog soon.But which netherlands located hosting do you suggest?Which hosting did you use? Please tell.
I think what he means (correct me if I'm wrong) is that your blog has a limited amount of visitors. So if you post on multiple sites, your chances of getting sales are higher.
but other forum admins and mods get me a ban and forums have same users that is not buy a premium already.Own site is always good for me...
In popular forums, there is few thousands visitors every minutes
In your own blog, you may get about 1000 visitors daily and thats not even easy to reach. Plus if you really want to post only on your blog you have to get a real domain and not just have a blog on blogspot or wordpress etc....
And anyway It will take you lot of time before you could made regular sales from your own blog at least 6 months and that means you are really hard worker, post good , rare content, good advertise etc...
And regular sales dont mean you will earn a lot.

Just forget this idea, if you got banned from some forum it means you arent posting properly which also mean you dont have the knwoledge to run a blog properly yet.
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