Post your FileSonic earnings Screenshot

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Dont bullshit anymore,asc us to post a screenshot and you say dont like pm and all,think you smarter you dont like and we like???You dont post you only because your earn is bad,I see your point in top 100 and know that,really dont give a fuck about you and other,but dont say you dont post because of PM,I remember when you get good money ,you post several screen per day :facepalm: Now post your screen and prove im in wrong,I bet you cant.

give me tuition on english plz.=)
I'm getting so, so p*ssed off at filesonic..... seriously.... last 30 uploads were a complete waste of time, cause they instantly got deleted by digital fingerprint....

anyone has any idea on how to bypass that cr*p?? Cause I rename the files to a number and it makes no difference..... Instant deletion.....
I'm getting so, so p*ssed off at filesonic..... seriously.... last 30 uploads were a complete waste of time, cause they instantly got deleted by digital fingerprint....

anyone has any idea on how to bypass that cr*p?? Cause I rename the files to a number and it makes no difference..... Instant deletion.....

leech extreme 0-day or extremely old things. :))
renaming at the starting, ie, add prefix. ;)
use copy links in folder and share folder links so that u can re-up fast, in-case of fast removal.
use fullstops (.) | avoid "-" and "_"
leech extreme 0-day or extremely old things. :))
renaming at the starting, ie, add prefix. ;)
use copy links in folder and share folder links so that u can re-up fast, in-case of fast removal.
use fullstops (.) | avoid "-" and "_"

none of that works. files get instantly deleted, even the copies.

re-naming or adding prefix, etc, doesn't avoid digital fingerprint. neither do fullstops (.) or dashes, or anything else.....
I'm getting so, so p*ssed off at filesonic..... seriously.... last 30 uploads were a complete waste of time, cause they instantly got deleted by digital fingerprint....

anyone has any idea on how to bypass that cr*p?? Cause I rename the files to a number and it makes no difference..... Instant deletion.....

You are using RU or upload files with Ftp/webupload ??
I see many comments about files being deleted instantly but this didnt happened at all to me and Im daily uploading 8-10 files with Ftp.

My advice:
-Use ftp or web upload
-Rename file
-add in winrar archives
-Change the filesize (add some pics in the .rar)
You are using RU or upload files with Ftp/webupload ??
I see many comments about files being deleted instantly but this didnt happened at all to me and Im daily uploading 8-10 files with Ftp.

My advice:
-Use ftp or web upload
-Rename file
-add in winrar archives
-Change the filesize (add some pics in the .rar)

I dont use RU. I use both ftp and/or web upload. And I do ALL of the above, rename, add files in rar archives, change filesize, etc, etc..... NONE of the above works.

And what's more incredible, I can name the file lalala.rar and the inside file a similar cr*ap.... file stills gets deleted. I don't even have the time to make a copy, and when I do have time to make a copy, both get deleted. I waste time on files I can't even use or share....

I honestly think filesonic is pushing the last limits.......
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