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Meh, screwed up my openSUSE installation yesterday and since 11.2 isn't out yet I
decided to install Ubuntu 9.04 as a temporary replacement.


^Fresh install. Warez is already filling it, lol.
Gotta admit it has improved a lot since the last time I tried it (think it was 8.04 beta or something).
Yeh I definitely agree on that. Ubuntu still has the more solid feel (that is, compared to openSUSE 11.1) but openSUSE allows for more fine tuning and customizing etc. Atleast that's how it feels for me. Plus it has the sexy KDE environment.
Yeh I know about Kubuntu but I have it stuck in my head that if you want KDE Suse is the logical distro, if you want Gnome Ubuntu is where it's at. I would feel out of place using Kubuntu hehe :p. Plus openSUSE just has that good feel about it IMO and the site/community is nice to.
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