Popup ads

i for me in french geo, i think popads .net its the best also propellerads ( monetag )
adsterra i try him but you can set gap or any setting hi give you a code with ads in every seconds every click etc.... very very bad
so popads and monetag its good
Don't use ExoClick. I've been sending them legitimate and quality traffic for years and they had a good conversion but they suddenly banned me with no appeal or explanation. I've built up a huge push ad audience for them all that time and now they're still earning from it after banning me. They will take all your earnings when they think they can and you won't have any way to appeal for it.
With monetag you have a very high chance of making it big, Monetag provide different ads format with high cpm base on quality of your traffic, also I love the fact that monetag doesn’t have a traffic requirement before you can monetize with them unlike some other ads also with Directlinkads you might not need site or blog to monetize, they also provide weekly payment for publishers with high quality traffics. I recommend monetag for all publishers
There seems to be some misunderstanding between PropellerAds and Monetag in this topic. To be clear, PropellerAds serves as a tool for advertisers, whereas Monetag is targeted for publishers like myself. For my website, Monetag has shown to be effective with its $3 CPM, has served as a reliable adsense alternative. I did experiment with Adsterra, but their CPM proved to be frustrating.
There seems to be some misunderstanding between PropellerAds and Monetag in this topic. To be clear, PropellerAds serves as a tool for advertisers, whereas Monetag is targeted for publishers like myself. For my website, Monetag has shown to be effective with its $3 CPM, has served as a reliable adsense alternative. I did experiment with Adsterra, but their CPM proved to be frustrating.
$3 CPM for what countries?