Please Review Our New Skin@ Smartwarez

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it's OK, your modifying isn't that great :P

We used to use that skin, and we modded it a bit more, maybe stick in some decent adspots rather than those links you have there? they look out of place. And change the color of the login button to blue. Oh and get rid of the blue drop shadow on the text :x, It looks kinda unprofessional :\

Other than, the skins not bad :)
Well i'm not asking you which skin is better, i just ask for that skin, if you guys don't like it, and if any other's they have the option to select the old skin, thank you for suggestions ...
New theme looks good for wide scrns, but getting messed up slightly for 1024*768 res, make little bit changes so tht it also fits well in 1024*768 res. ;)
make this

The look yellow dos not looks good to blue
hmmm overall it is nice :D
Just remove the outer glow :)
Rest all is f9 ;)
- I'm not sure, but that is YOUR guest banner right? I've seen this so many places, I assume it's your since it fit so well, but wow, there's like hundreds of forums that has ripped it.
- Thumbs up (y) for the new skin, i'd prefer this one. Again, well done!
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Why didn't you try a "light" approach this time. The last theme was dark, you could have had CHANGE by having some light colors in there because having it dark doesnt really show how much change the site went through.
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