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Not open for further replies. is one of the top 5 worst for final encode quality if you upload a good 720p video it will end up like 360p or 400p :facepalm:
I hate video host in general they need HD play back if you upload HD videos
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[TD]PENDING account hooler

5 month of waiting, please guys, have some compassion.
Well anyone have any news on this ? Has anyone being payed lately ? Played.To, im waiting on 40$ . But i dont want to be uploading if there is no one being payed ?? Please Clarify someone ?
I'm also waiting for the payment, Was supposed that he would pay me last week, but I'm still waiting and waiting...

$4349.99 PENDING

Seriously? Still waiting for? Look at my date, from when he stopped paying me.
2014-03-09 $4995.90 PENDING
Guest silent as enchanted, does not respond to emails etc. Delete files and not allow him for earnings or whatever... . a SCAM. This is "THE END"
This site is totally scammed.
I've earn more than $13000 but never got money. After try to request money, he terminated my account without any reasons.
Please stopped to speak about this host
This is really scam and is lose time to speak about him
Are another very good host
Sorry but i know this admin
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