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yeah rewards page is gone just saw that :( does not look good please pay me my money what a waste of time with played :(

Edit : they just update it this on played website does not look good

I am currently being sued by Lionsgate.
I apologize for the extremely late payments. I will continue running PLAYED.TO. I will pay everyone via PayPal in the coming week(s) and continue running the site.
If you currently have any other payment method than PayPal set, please e-mail me at and tell me and I will unlock your payment information so you can request via PayPal.
PLAYED is not dead and not a scam, I am still here and I will not run. PLAYED is a legal video storage service, I am not going anywhere.​
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Sorry, but I don't believe a single word, according to torrentfreak and other sources the only site being sued is Limetorrents, no other was, I think is just another movement from played to earn more time and continue with his "not paying" policy, otherwise he would show the sue documentation when several people asked him to show with no response from the admin.
Also the sue from Lionsgate is for a maximum of 150k per site, and he says that his debt with users goes beyond that, so do your math.
It looks like they are scam now, I got 2 payments before but now it's been more than 4 months without payment and they have taken off the rewards page. Good that there is many other good hosts with weekly payments. When played will return to weekly or even monthly payments I will gladly use this host again, but for now they are just another scam to me.
[Quote = lion_boy877; 2011987] son ​​enviados hombre sólo confía en él que vi ese documento [/ quote]

Here I report and proof that it is not played to scam, it is legal to me has paid me 3 times, I am now waiting TAKE other payment but at the end I get paid no matter

Lionsgate complaint via

Hope this helps, it's the best host and has good visits when we criticize then disappears
Here I report and proof that it is not played to scam, it is legal to me has paid me 3 times, I am now waiting TAKE other payment but at the end I get paid no matter

Lionsgate complaint via

Hope this helps, it's the best host and has good visits when we criticize then disappears

Then why he continue paying some "selected" users? Is our fault that he got sued?
If he can't pay, why the registration to the site is still open? He cheats on people that think they get paid someday.
The problem with delayed payments it is older than this sue, so he only took advantage of the situation to continue with the "no pay" policy.

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And still waiting.... zzz
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no payment yet :thumbdown: :cursing: also site looks to be down :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
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@ annecruz yeah if they take so long to pay befor the law sue there just not going to pay now thats why i stop uploading files to there host when they pay me again i will start working with them again i hope more will do the same NEED TO PAY PLAYED ! ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU ! :cursing:
I did the same and stopped uploading to them a while back. Considering just deleting all of my files from their server and disabling all my links. Should I do it?
so... still no payment after the owner announced that he/she will pay... which makes me believe that the announcement was made to lure more people into sticking around longer. Also, the view count dropped at least 50% without any changes on my end...

At this point I'll be taking down my videos and I'll be looking further into getting the site shut down... this is a scam at this point and I want the owner to be punished and I will do whatever I can to guarantee the proper punishment.
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