PixSense.net 12$/1000, 2 POPS only, BEST EARNINGS, TRY TO BELIEVE. BTC|PP|WMZ|PZ

Is this the new rule , my deleted image was there for almost 1 year without view , and use space is only 50 mb , as not all of my image are for public , even if the image is for public , i need time to get view too , as i have a habit to upload everything first and post later , so 30 day is too little time , hope you adjust a bit more time , at least 90 day .
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They dont count all views, earnings is not as they present at first page (instead 3.6$ for group B, its little more then 1$/ 1000), and now, 30 days or file will be deleted???
Little too much. Just to be clear, 90% of trafic for me is from group B, and about counting - I have old acc on different image hoster, I dont use them any more for several month, and over there I have about 500 views per day, and here with more then 1k files, cant get 200-300 views per day.

Only payments are ok and fast.

In one word, not so good image hoster.
Today, my account was banned. I do not know why this happened, there was never any illegal content. Could you please check it for me? My id is Riki004.Thank you.
Today, my account was banned. I do not know why this happened, there was never any illegal content. Could you please check it for me? My id is Riki004.Thank you.

Each account that is banned are investigated thoroughly and is non-appealable.

We do not allow

- childporn
- child erotic
- models below age of 18(nude/bikini/swimsuit/sleep wear)
- models below 18 can be permitted IF they are with proper clothing(contact us to clarify)

You can register new account but pls follow our rules.

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